Media Outrage

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Method Man: I Get High So Much I Forgot To Pay My Taxes

Posted by Media Outrage on March 27, 2009


Method Man says he smokes so much weed, that he forgets to take care of little responsibilities, like paying taxes.


Via ContactMusic:

Rapper METHOD MAN has denied his finances are in disarray, blaming the recent repossession of his car on forgetfulness caused by his marijuana habit.
The rapper was left stunned last week (18Mar09) when New York state tax collectors seized his 2008 Lincoln Navigator from his Staten Island home, amid reports he owes over $50,000 (£34,670) to the government in back taxes.
But the Wu-Tang star – real name Clifford Smith – fully intends to pay the U.S. Department of Taxation what he owes, insisting he has plenty of money in the bank.
He tells the New York Daily News, “I knew why they (the repossession officers) were there. It wasn’t like ‘Oh my God! Noo!! Don’t take it!’ I was half-dressed, and it was so early that I just said, ‘Okay, you’re taking the truck.'”
And the hip-hop artist claims it’s his addiction to marijuana that causes him to forget about his responsibilities.
He adds: “Myself, I’m a pothead. It’s no secret. Everyone knows that. I go on the road and forget everything else. Sure, (the tax department) sent letters to my house saying, ‘We need this money.’ They started sending them in 2002. Here it is, 2009, and I never paid this s**t, because I don’t think like that!
“I could have easily just written them a cheque for whatever amount, but no – I waited until they knocked on this door and were like, ‘We got your truck and we outta here!'”
“Now I’m thinking we’ve gotta get our truck back, which means I have to get all my paperwork together. That means days of going through mail, ’cause I got mail like woah (a lot of letters). I’ve found checks from 2005 that have never been opened yet. And we’re talking a significant amount of money! But I never opened (the tax department’s) letters – so this is how the tax man came to Meth’s house and took his truck. Not because I was broke! I got plenty of money!”

Mediaoutrage– That’s a damn shame when a grown man shuns responsibility to get high.  You can do both dog?  We make our habits and then our habits make us.

10 Responses to “Method Man: I Get High So Much I Forgot To Pay My Taxes”

  1. See it’s people like him that make weed look bad. We out here trying to decriminalize and legalize weed, and he out here giving it a bad wrap! He should of just lied and blamed it on something else, but noooooo blame it on weed.

  2. MissTX85 said

    I like Method Man. But he just pissed me off with this nonsense. If he gets that high then he needs to get somebody else to handled those type of affairs. That’s just straight up carelessness & stupidity right there.

  3. sweet_tea said

    Eww MO, ya’ll can find some ILL pictures of folks.

  4. lowridaz said

    that is simply an irresponsible man, damn shame

  5. CrystalShine said

    You suppose 2 smoke the weed, not let the smoke you!

  6. Yeah I Said It said

    The mind is a terrible thing to waste. When it’s gone you talk ignorant!

  7. ucanb2 said

    Ugh.. such a damn waste of a blog spot!!! SMDH

  8. Lio said

    How old is this mofo, listen the whole Redman Method Man “I’m high ” shit was back in high school, 12 years ago..grow up mothafucka

  9. Lio said

    *** was funny **** sorry

  10. justsayin said

    it is so sad that at his age he cannot handle issues like that and even blames it on weed.he needs help.

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