Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

Fat As Sh*t

Posted by Media Outrage on December 15, 2008


Mike Tyson who used to be one of the most feared fighters on Earth, was spotted looking like he is registered on a strict Krispy Kreme Donuts diet. Mike used to be the most exciting thing to see in a ring. Now, not so much.


9 Responses to “Fat As Sh*t”

  1. Miss E said

    He should apply for the next season of Celebrity Fit Club.

  2. CrystalShine said

    Dam Mike how bout take ur pants out ur middle area, ya pant is not even.

  3. lio said

    oh bloody hell…

  4. ucanb2 said

    What in the hell???! Why is Humpty Dumpty’s pants too short!!!!

  5. JANE DOE said


  6. Atlanta said

    LMAO @ Jane Doe.

    @Miss E…I agree.

  7. Cut Up said

    Ni%%a looking like Larry Holmes flabby and sick……

  8. 2020VIZN said

    I guess this maniac wasnt bullsitin when he said that he wanted to eat Lennox Lewis’ kids. From the way he looks, Im he did eat Lewis’s kids.

    Good Evening!!

  9. Kelly Valdez said

    Mike Tyson.
    The best fighter in my opinion I’ve ever seen snd I watched all the fights
    His growing up to Gus his step father .to being the awesome man he is amazing story if how determination can bring someone to the best and he is the best .anyone that calls him fat or any shifty comments about him should really be schooled. He’s a bad ass that became the world champion fighter and should never be discredited .

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