Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

Her Career Might Be Deader Than an L.A. Drive-By But…

Posted by Media Outrage on August 3, 2009

Christina f11

She’s still something pleasant to glance upon.  Christina Milian and her newly engaged ass, attended the 10th Anniversary Latino Film Festival in NYC at Clearview Chelsea Cinemas.  Christina’s beauty is not to be questioned but her career is another situation.  Her smile is so beautiful.  Can she ever make a comeback ya’ll?

Christina f5bestChristina f6Christina f8Christina f9Christina f12Christina f3

17 Responses to “Her Career Might Be Deader Than an L.A. Drive-By But…”

  1. ucanb2 said

    Very nice picture… I like her soo much better with dark hair!
    I have never heard her sing, so I can’t say.

  2. Atlanta said

    She is pretty. Her smile in this photo is so phoney.

  3. Marathon_Man said

    lol @ the title.

    I could add some more whitener to them beautiful TEETHS

  4. Ms.Behave said

    I’m more interested in what she is wearing…is that a shawl? and ‘bring it on”, OMG that is so 2000 and late.

  5. Hovy's Home said

    the smile is FLY

  6. MissTX85 said

    I don’t see her making a comeback but who knows?!

  7. As pretty as she is, why the dream. Maybe its a fashion thing to date and marry hog heads. Case in point Beyonce and Jayz,
    CiCi and 50. Cassidy and Diddy. CiCi and Bowwow, Keshia and young jock. etc etc etc.

  8. Unkle Death said

    You could put Gregory Hines, Michael Jackson and Fred Astaire on an asbetos monolith in a volcano and tell them “Dance your way outta this, mothafuckas!” and C Mil’s career would be deader than that shit!

    Just goes to show you what happens when you fuck with niggas who Krazy Glue their pubes to their chin.

    Yes I am talking about that tone deaf abomination known as THE-DREAM!

    I would piss in her ass and tell her it’s raining!

  9. Her career couldn’t come back with Doc and Marty Mcfly! You couldn’t set the Delorean back to “Give-a-fuck” to revive her shitty career!

  10. JustBecause said

    MO you should have thrown her under your category of Prettiest Smile of The Day. Look at how PRETTY her TEETH are! She’s gorgeous. I could look at a face like this all day.

  11. Jews Rule said

    Christina’s attractive but nothing to make any real noise over.

  12. MoneAlicia said


  13. Yvonne said

    She is really, really cute..but what does she do or use to do??? Seriously.

  14. banga77 said

    who is she..

  15. Matula said

    Je pense que sa carriere est presque morte,si c’est The Dream qui est et produit pour elle pourquoi pas! En tout cas sa beauté n’est meme pas a contesté,c’est d’ailleurs ce qui la maintient a flot!

  16. save my marriage advice

    Her Career Might Be Deader Than an L.A. Drive-By But… « Media Outrage

  17. approach Life

    Her Career Might Be Deader Than an L.A. Drive-By But… « Media Outrage

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