Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

Archive for December 13th, 2008

Stop Playing

Posted by Media Outrage on December 13, 2008


Kanye West who is always pushing the envelope and daring to be different, stepped on stage at Madison Square Garden, looking like an 80’s break dancer with the thickest afro-shag we’ve ever laid eyes on. Not a good look, at all.


Posted in Kanye West | 22 Comments »

What’s Really Good Here??

Posted by Media Outrage on December 13, 2008


Michael Jackson was spotted in Beverly Hills yesterday looking a Hot Steaming Mess. We have no idea at all, why he’s rocking a black mask and the rest of that sh*t. Mike needs to get somewhere and sit his 50 yr old ass down ASAP.


Posted in Michael Jackson | Tagged: | 17 Comments »

40 Principles Awards

Posted by Media Outrage on December 13, 2008


Beyonce, who has been a very busy woman as of late, attended the 2008 40 Principles Awards in Madrid, Spain. She was presented with an award, for what, we have absolutely no idea. We’re sure that glass case that holds her various awards is getting pretty full. Bey knows how to throw it on when necessary. She looked wonderful. Are you feeling her big hair?


More Beyonce and her big hair when you Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged: | 11 Comments »

This is what happens when you elect SATAN

Posted by Media Outrage on December 13, 2008


George Bush is giving us ALL one last middle FINGER before he hops out the window of the White House. In a last sneaky effort to say F**K you, Bush is implementing some disgusting “midnight regulations” before he makes his exit with his crooked co-horts, with more money than you can even imagine. Yes, we’re talking hundreds of millions while the rest of the US working population struggles to make ends meet. Basically this guy is saying F_ck the constitution.

Via Rollingstone:

BIG COAL In early December, the administration finalized a rule that allows the industry to dump waste from mountaintop mining into neighboring streams and valleys, a practice opposed by the governors of both Tennessee and Kentucky. “This makes it legal to use the most harmful coal-mining technology available,” says Allen Hershkowitz, a senior scientist at the Natural Resources Defense Council. A separate rule also relaxes air-pollution standards near national parks, allowing Big Coal to build plants next to some of America’s most spectacular vistas — even though nine of 10 EPA regional administrators dissented from the rule or criticized it in writing. “They’re willing to sacrifice the laws that protect our national parks in order to build as many new coal plants as possible,” says Mark Wenzler, director of clean-air programs for the National Parks Conservation Association. “This is the last gasp of Bush and Cheney’s disastrous policy, and they’ve proven there’s no line they won’t cross.” Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in George Bush, Politics | Tagged: | 10 Comments »

T Boz: I’m Not Homeless

Posted by Media Outrage on December 13, 2008


In an interview with Essence T-Boz cleared up the foreclosure chitter chatter that hit the net yesterday. Thanks to loyal reader 1coolazzchic for sending us the article!

ESSENCE.COM: (Laughs.) That is so sweet! Well, there have been reports that a Georgia property of yours is going into foreclosure. Is that true?
No, I’m not homeless. During my last marriage [to Mack 10], I had a bunch of things that were put in my name. If one of those properties is going into foreclosure then I don’t know. Although I’ve been divorced for five years, there are still a lot of things I’m dealing with on getting straight in that regard. All I know is that the house I live in with my daughter is not. When you pull up my name, my real house doesn’t show up because it’s not in my real name, because I enjoy my privacy and I’m not trying to have people be able to find me that easily.

ESSENCE.COM: There were also reports of you losing a home in Houston?
I’ve never owned a home in Houston. I closed a store in Houston, Chase’s Closet, where I sold girls and boys clothing from infants to 12 years. The store is named after my daughter, Chase. For now, I only have the online store ( Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in T Boz | Tagged: | 12 Comments »