Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

Honoring LL

Posted by Media Outrage on April 7, 2009


LL and Reverend Run posed for pics during a benefit honoring LL Cool J at a private residence in NY.  Russell Simmons, Lyor Cohen and a few others all gathered to honor LL.  Russ’ girl Julia Henderson was also in the building.


More pics when you



9 Responses to “Honoring LL”

  1. Gina said

    LL sweety, I love you. But plz stop with all the plastic surgery or whatever it is that your doing to yourself. It’s not cute.

  2. Media Outrage said

    Lol @ Gina

  3. 2thick4u said

    He is definately a GOAT in this industry :)!!!!!

  4. ucanb2 said

    Honoring him for what???

  5. beach chick said

    He hasn’t aged since Mama said knock you out!

  6. Media Outrage said

    Lol @ Beach Chick

  7. MissTX85 said

    God I love that old man!! Lol. He’s still sexy ass hell to me!

    Definitely the G.O.A.T.

  8. MissTX85 said


  9. Smurfette said

    Goat fo sho! Go LL!

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