Media Outrage

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Paula Abdul Visits The Late Show

Posted by Media Outrage on June 5, 2009

Paula Abdul k1

Paula Abdul paid a visit to the Ed Sullivan Theater in NYC yesterday for her taping of The Late Show with David Letterman.  We just hope her blood alcohol level was within legal limits.  Is Paula looking older than usual these days??  More pics when you

Paula Abdul kPaula Abdul k2smilePaula Abdul k3backPaula Abdul k4Paula Abdul k5Paula Abdul k6

4 Responses to “Paula Abdul Visits The Late Show”

  1. lowridaz said

    who cares?!!! damn, paula is played and worn, oh yea, there will be some that will say i will fuck the hell out of her, and blah , blah, blah, whatever! she is done

  2. ucanb2 said

    Paula has always been very attractive, but sometimes she seems to be out of touch with reality/incoherent.

  3. MissTX85 said

    Yeah who cares?! She’s been washed up!

  4. MoneAlicia said

    LMAO atchu MO. Paula is looking older than usual these days… BAAAHAAAA!!!

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