Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

Playing The Sympathy Card

Posted by Media Outrage on August 27, 2009

shemar moore 260809

Pretty boy Shemar Moore was spotted with Kane in hand outside Mr. Chow in Beverly Hills.  Shemar was hit by a car earlier this month and is probably milking up all the sympathy p*ssy he can get right about now.  Kane or no Kane, ladies we’re willing to bet that you’d let him ravage them draws…..

shemar moore 260809shemar moore 260809

15 Responses to “Playing The Sympathy Card”

  1. Ms_Behave said

    sympathy p*ssy my ass!! that boy would rather f*ck me with the cane <–MO, this is how u spell it, lol,…than put his d*ck in me.

    If he goes anywhere near a woman, best believe he will be up in ur ass like enema…

  2. sumarrain said

    Hell to the NO, he looking more queenie everytime I see him.

  3. MoneAlicia said

    Dang he looks like the Rock’s brother.

  4. Pierre said

    Good to see Shemar Moore on the mend.

  5. MissTX85 said

    If he grow his facial hair back he could get it!

    MO, ya’ll sure he outside a restaurant? What’s with the beer up against the wall? And are those glasses with beer in the window?

    Where the hell is he really?!!

  6. MissTX85 said

    If he grow his facial hair back he could get it!

    MO, ya’ll sure he outside a restaurant? What’s with the beer up against the wall? And are those glasses with beer in the window?

    Where the hell is he really?!!!

  7. MissTX85 said

    Okay I was not tryna leave that twice!

    MO delete one of them!

  8. Yvonne said

    LOL, LOL…no looking like that he won’t.

  9. Atlanta said

    Glad to see the fellow is alright after being hit by a car.

  10. […] Shemar Moore Looks Like a Walking Peen with a Shaved Face……Media Outrage […]

  11. I’m glad he’s doin good.

  12. BadBadKitty0727 said

    No doubt Shemar is fine. Glad his recovery is going well.
    He gay so he couldn’t get it. Look like he got “Debo Eye” especially in thumbnail #2. LOL!

  13. lowridaz said

    he ok, not my type, dont like em yella, nothing against em, but not for me! so he is not attractive to me at ALL!!

  14. ucanb2 said

    Glad to see he’s on the mend… but not my cup of tea.

  15. Eva said

    Omg that’s horrible I’m shocked

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