Media Outrage

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Steven Seagal Sued For Sexual Assault

Posted by Media Outrage on April 13, 2010

Steven Seagal is being sued by a female ex-employee for sexually assaulting her.

Via TMZ:

Steven Seagal is accused of trafficking women for sex, according to a lawsuit obtained by TMZ.

A 23-year-old former model claims she interviewed with Seagal last February for the position of executive assistant.  Kayden Nguyen says she got the job, but when she showed up for work, she learned, “Mr. Seagal had been keeping two young female Russian ‘Attendants’ on staff who were available for his sexual needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.”

Nguyen alleges in her suit, one of the ‘Attendants’ had recently quit and it was this job — not executive assistant — Seagal intended her to fill.

Nguyen claims the very first night on the job, Seagal treated her “as his sex toy.”  Nguyen says in the lawsuit Seagal, pushed his hands under her skirt, tried fondling her breasts and forced his hand down her pants.

Nguyen says she complained the next morning — unclear to whom — but nothing was done.

Nguyen says the next day Seagal did it again, sexually assaulting her and forcing her to consume illegal pills.  And she says there were other sexual assaults that followed.

According to the suit, Seagal said, “My wife wouldn’t mind if you and I had a sexual relationship.”

Nguyen is suing for more than a million bucks.

UPDATE:  Seagal’s lawyer, Marty Singer, responded to the lawsuit this way: “The lawsuit filed by Kayden Nguyen against Steven Seagal is a ridiculous and absurd claim by a disgruntled ex-employee who was fired for using illegal narcotics.”  Singer says the suit is a “complete fabrication without a scintilla of truth” and he’s confident it will be dismissed.

5 Responses to “Steven Seagal Sued For Sexual Assault”

  1. ucanb2 said

    AWWWW…Steven say it ain’t so! Don’t make me stop being your fan (before you gained all that damn weight)!
    If so, punish his ass like anyone else.

  2. 私は愛を午前 said

    Judging by that photo alone……… GUILTYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!

    Signs of a prev:

    1. Almost closed eyes – similar to a wince from a not-so-easily-passed-sh*t
    2. A smirk -Never trust a ‘smirk’ on an overweight crouching tiger

  3. MissTX said

    Aw damn Steven!!

  4. Verbalism7 said

    Steven…not you!

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