Media Outrage

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Idris Just Wants More Diversity On TV

Posted by Media Outrage on April 14, 2010

Idris Elba wants to see more diversity on Television…

*In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, British actor Idris Elba expressed a desire for TV in his country to stop talking about on-screen diversity and “just do it”: put more actors of color on the small screen.

“If you look at American television, it is nothing to see a cast that is multi-racial. So we shouldn’t shy away from demanding more diversity on British TV. Only because it reflects the culture we live in,” said the actor, best known for his character of Baltimore drug kingpin Stringer Bell on HBO’s “The Wire” and a guest-starring stint as a no-nonsense corporate VP on the NBC’s “The Office.”

Elba, pointed to his new project, the BBC crime series “Luther,” as an example of how diversity can be built into the scripts of British shows. The actor stars as a brilliant but dangerously violent London murder detective.

The actor, whose big screen credits include “Daddy’s Little Girls,” “American Gangster” and “Obsessed,” is also an associate producer on the project, which debuts this spring on BBC One.

“Diversity was one of the first things I asked about as a producer,” Elba said “How many other races are we going to see? Because it would be very odd if Luther was the only black person in the series … So we see many different ethnic groups on screen.


38 Responses to “Idris Just Wants More Diversity On TV”

  1. Kingston said

    Idris is another sexual chocolate and he’s so handsome with his smooth chocolate skin and sexy accent.

    On topic: It’s good that he wants to see diversity on TV. I don’t live in London so I don’t know how diverse is their television programming.

    I can say as far as Black movies in America, I’m waiting to see more diversity (and classic movies) as well, instead of alot of those stereotypical kind of movies.

    • ucanb2 said

      I agree!

    • MissTX said

      Back up sister! I let you and Sapphire have Lance’s little scrawny butt. Idris is MINE!! 😉 LOL!

      As for the matter at hand: American TV isn’t THAT diverse so he should want more from both countries.

      • Kingston said

        *Steps waaaaaayyyy back* TX, I didn’t know you were feelin’ Idris like that. Girl go ‘head that man is tooooo sexy, but let me fall back lol.

        And you betta leave my scrawny ass Lance alone. He has enough meat for me. But if he ever comes to Dallas, feel free to throw him a biscuit or a chicken sandwich LOL!

      • Sapphire Storm said

        2 words—- Chicken. Biscuit. 😐

      • MissTX said


        No problem Kingston.

        That’s all you got Sapph? LOL!

      • Sapphire Storm said

        Girl that’s all I need to start the “building” process. You’re southern. You know we’ll put a buttermilk biscuit with anything :lol:. & when I do get Lance (shout out to Kings) AND Idris (shout out to you Missy) don’t come asking me for the recipe.

        SN- What do ya’ll think about The All State Insurance Man aka Jonas from The Unit? I have a major crush on him. He could feel me up with those “good hands” anytime!

      • MissTX said

        I don’t eat biscuits but if that’s what MY Idris needs and/or wants, I know how to fix them. And don’t get me started on my chicken. Baked, grilled or fried, Mr. Elba will be a very satisfied man. Therefore, you nor Kingston will exist to him. LOL!

        As for Dennis Haysbert: I’d put a pillowcase over his head, but he could talk dirty to me (sexy voice) and feel me up (big, strong hands).

      • Kingston said

        Dennis has a deep masculine voice, but he looks tired and he does absolutely nothing for me. Ewww…Sapph, if you wanna cuddle or let that feel you up then I think we all need to hold hands and pray for YOU and you too TX. LOL!

        But I’m not mad tho. Sapph, you can have Dennis, and I’ll keep (cause I been had) Lance. SO in the end, we all get want we want. *Hugs*.

      • Kingston said

        Meant to say: In the end, we all get what we want. Maybe we can triple date too lol.

        I’ll bring my man Lance, TX you bring Idris, and Sapp, you can take papa Dennis j/k lol.

      • Sapphire Storm said

        LOL, I can’t help it! He has that quality of confidence & swagger that draws me to him. (I’m attracted to older men) In the looks dept, no he’s not “fione” or “hawt”, but his voice & even his walk makes him handsome to me. He just comes off as “grow ass man” to me lol.

        Kingston… I’m tired of you trying my gangsta! Don’t make me call Pookie & nem & put a hit out on your ass!

      • MissTX said

        Not papa Dennis! LMAO!

        For an old guy he’s not THAT bad. Those hands work for him if nothing else does. Teehee!

      • MissTX said

        LMAO @ calling Pookie and nem!

      • Sapphire Storm said

        @ Kings, you do that & all 3 of the men will be wondering what happened to ya’ll. Brake lines ain’t that hard to cut!

        MissTX sorry but you’re just a casuality of war. I believe I could have talked to you reasonably but your association with Kings left me no choice!

      • MissTX said

        Aw damn! I’m no fool!

        *Grabs Idris and exits post to get passports and plane tickets to an unknown, isolated location*

      • kekelolo said

        No sweets, all of you need to back up off Idris! HE IS MINE, His eyes told me so and you know what they say, “Eyes are the windows to the soul.” Try staring into those BEATUFIL talking eyes. HE IS MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE, MIND! LOL!

  2. ucanb2 said

    I love him to death! UHMMM

  3. who's that lady sexy lady said

    Hey hey hey now he can get it! Sexy sexy man. Whooooo!

  4. Sapphire Storm said

    I don’t know what we did to deserve all of this chocolate thunder today, but thank you MO for making it rain on a sistah! 😉

  5. Kanyade said

    Idris you want more diversity on TV?

    You don’t say!

    Well I do too!

    I’m numero uno, number one rant-a-holic about diversity on TV.

    My favorite shows (LOST, Heroes, 24, Flash Forward, etc.) were once SKRONG in the DIVERSITY-Force but have waxed and waned and there exists nil-to-none kneegrows and others (MOHINDER!!!), so yeah, Idris ain’t sayin’ nothing but a word.

  6. Kanyade said

    oh yes, he’s fine. FINE!!!

    I love his chocolate thunder more than Mr. Gross.

    just sayin’

  7. Kingston said

    @Sapph, I’m just messing with you girl, you already know how we do! And you know Pookie n em is just waiting for that call, ’cause all they do is “bang” 24/7 like it was a damn job lol.

    But I feel you on that tho as far as his looks not drawing you to him. My friends clown me all the time when I tell them that I think that Jay Z is attractive. Yeah, I know he is facially challenge, but his swag, personality, ambition, business saavy etc… makes him look more attractive. Plus everybody (whether they care to admit or not) knows that success is an attractive quality.

    LMAO@ *Grabs Idris and exits post to get passports and plane tickets to an unknown, isolated location* LOL!!!

    • Sapphire Storm said

      Right! People always like to say it’s not just look but it has to be the whole package. Naw, Jay is not a knock out, but he does command attention & let’s face it, respect.

      Ok, ready for a shocker? 1,2,3,4
      Barack Obama is not a good looking man to me. Let’s be honest, if he were not running the country and came into your office in a Pepsi uniform to refill the machines, would you do a double take or go out of your way to give him your number? But it’s something about knowing that he’s HNIC that adds to his appeal. Not calling him a beast or ugly, he’s just nothing special at first glance. It’s not until you start learning about his personality, charisma & ambition that he starts take on a different appearence. — My Gma calls this “Handsome”. It’s not based on looks alone, but it’s the whole package! Looks pale in comparison to the essence of the person. Plus there’s a little extra spice in there that you can’t quite put your finger on that draws you. They call it swagger now. I perfer handsome lol. I’d rather be “Beautiful” than sexy. Just my opinion… of course because I don’t give anyone elses!

      Now that I’ve completed my essay… More hidden crushes I have that are often misunderstood:

      Bill Clinton
      Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr

      • MissTX said

        I agree 100%.

      • Kingston said

        Barack was a funny awkward looking kid growing up, but I think that he eventually grew into his looks and he is a handsome man to me. Now, does the power that he exudes make him more attractive? Yes. Because power , position and success are attractive (Hence the reason why some of these unattractive celebs have so many jumpoffs)….Anyway, I always say that I rather date a man with a great personality, but not necesarily a great looker, than one with a nasty ass attitude, dry as hell, but he’s soooo good looking. Please.

        Now back to these crushes. Say what now? MLK???? Bill????? Girl, I almost passed out when I saw those. You lost me with those two lol. So let me ask you this: What happen when you hear the “I have a dream speech” or when you hear “we shall overcome” LOL. But I LOVE MLK as well, even with all the negativity and attempts to tarnish his name. Off topic, but random thought: Why isn’t Malcolm X as celebrated as MLK? Is it Religion? Attitude towards racism?…

      • MaliaMalia LOVES MO and Lamman rucker LOL!! XX said

        I totally agree with you sapphire!!

        Thumps up on with your crushes, so long as i don’t see my lamman rucker on your list of crushes i will always have your back lol…………

  8. Sapphire Storm said

    Hear me out! Not heart attack having, Sylvia’s SoulFood guzzling, saggy eyes, Bill that you see today, but saxaphone playing, dark shades wearing, I did not inhale, Bill Clinton from the past lol. Oh yeah, and Marvin Gaye could have gotten it on any given Sunday as well.

    As for your side note question, I’m not sure why people tend to pay more homage to Denzel portrayal of Malcom than to Malcom himself. It could be because of his aggressive tactics. Or even the way in which he was assassinated. Some people don’t even like to use that word to describe it. There’s so much shame in the way he was killed (allegedly not by “whitey” but by his own people). And when you research what happened to the men who were arrested for killing him & how they were rewarded afterwards, it’s disgusting.

  9. Sapphire Storm said

    You know what Malia… I’m gonna sleep with Lamman. Not because I want him, but because you keep throwing him in everyone’s face! I’ll be that low down trife girl friend that doesn’t want to see anyone happy! *evil laugh*

    Oh & MissTX, after seein Michael Jai White flip Angela over on the bed… He’s not safe either! “You want the password Huh? I know what you want!” lol

    • MaliaMalia LOVES MO and Lamman rucker LOL!! XX said

      hahahhaa @ sapphire!!! awww so sweet sapphire do as you wish sleep, suck help yourself…ill always be happy with or without him!!!….lol

      • Sapphire Storm said

        *kicks rocks* You just ruined my chance to be evil! Okay, fine, you can marry him *sigh* Just let me watch during the honeymoon & it’ll be all good lol 😉

      • MaliaMalia LOVES MO and Lamman rucker LOL!! XX said

        ahahah @ evil…Doubt there is an ounce of evilness or in you girl its just not you!!! even if you tried it’ll never work!!! Unless its to do with your endless battle with kingtson over your man lance LOL…..You’re too beautiful to be evil…

        LOL @ you can marry him…..wishful thoughts if only….if it ever EVER does happen would you like to be my maid of honor?? lol…………….

      • MaliaMalia LOVES MO and Lamman rucker LOL!! XX said

        p.s where is your very very first display picture you had when i had that 1min lesbo moment lol…do you remember that?? lol

      • Sapphire Storm said

        Why of course I would love too Malia! @ least with you being in fashion, I can trust that you won’t put me in a horrible pastel or lavender colour lol! & Yes I still have that pic, & I remember you telling me I was pretty but reassuring me that you were no way shape or form lesbo! Resulting in our faux internet lesbian love affair! EPIC! lol, just for that I’ll use that gravie tomorrow, just for you my sweet!

    • MissTX said

      Dammit Sapph! Why’d you have to mention that part?! God that had me so turned on when he did that I didn’t know what to do with myself. LOL!

      • Sapphire Storm said

        I have to admit, I did shift in my seat a few times lol. ALso, his ass is *Bernie Mac voice* Nyiiice!

  10. Verbalism7 said

    This is one good looking man here. (drooling)

  11. who's that lady sexy lady said

    Hold it someone said barrack aint fine the devil is a lie yes i would f**k him good whether in office are not. He has that im a real man swagga that i need and crave. YES BIG DADDY!! oops let me come back 2 earth lol!

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