Media Outrage

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Posts Tagged ‘Halle Berry Ashanti and Wendy Raquel Robinson attend Jenesse Sliver Rose Gala and Auction’

Beauty Is Her Name

Posted by Media Outrage on April 21, 2009


The dime piece, that is Halle Berry, got super fly on Sunday and headed on over to the Beverly Hills Hotel for the Jenesse Silver Rose Gala & Auction.  If you can spot one flaw on this woman, keep it to your damn self!  The dress is lovely and compliments her beautiful features and nice hairstyle.  Wendy Raquel Robinson from The Game, slipped into a nice tight number and slid through the event to wow the photographers.  But, not to worry, CUT UP, Ashanti and her sexy mother Tina were also in the building.  M.O. readers, we’d like to know, where you rank Wendy Raquel Robinson’s acting skills. 


More beauty just one click away… Read the rest of this entry »

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