Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

Fill In The Blank

Posted by Media Outrage on August 28, 2008

Solange hit up MTV’s “TRL”, on Tuesday, and performed a few cuts from her newly released album. We must say Julissa Bermudez is really upping her sex apeal. Judging from how well Solange operates a microphone, she’s probably real good at  ???

13 Responses to “Fill In The Blank”

  1. Random said

    Someone should call PETA on her ass..those shoes..Jesus!!!

  2. Ok Matthew it’s time to get your daughter and tell her country ass it’s not cool to kill skunks and put them on your fucking feet!

  3. Random said


  4. Udamnright said

    I don’t know cause that microphone’s not a good substitute for my human car muffler, so she needs to practice with something a wee bit bigger like a baby tree branch….but blow thats the answer

  5. lol…Udamnright funny as hell. But she dosent look like she could take the wood very well. But then again she might be able to suck the chrome off a 57′ Buick. Who knows?

  6. Lai'Lani said

    OMG!!!! LMAO! the 2 of you are so disgusting LOL. Im hollerin woooo. “But then again she might be able to suck the chrome off a 57′ Buick. Who knows?” LMAO

  7. Udamnright said

    lol yo DT you a funny nucca. haha.

    But the truth is she’d have a way better shot at going halfway on that mic than trying to lip wrestle with that thick ass hercules mutha f*cka in my draws. Tonsil sparring all day

  8. ucanb2 said

    What The Hell!!!!

  9. yea i said it said

    She’s real good at eating hot pickles!!!

  10. yea i said it said

    sorry the word is pickels

  11. Ms. E said

    MO…yall are trully perverted for even submitting this phrase..for real she probably real good at squealing..she look like she got a big mouth..can’t keep nothing to herself!

  12. BitterSweetBelizean said

    OMG A RAT!!!! O my bad thats just Solange’s shoes. The dress and FENDI bangle is cute the shoes gotta go.

    N dosrespect to my LATINA sistas but..would BET and MTV stop hiring these LATINA girls. I can understand a word they are saying..its irritating when I do get weak and try and tune into those wack ass shows.

  13. 1coolazzchic said

    is julissa now on trl?

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