Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

Our Readers!

Posted by Media Outrage on April 24, 2009


In continuing with the category of “Our Readers”, this particular reader hails from Philly.  The beautiful reader you see before you, is none other than on air radio personality, Shamara.  Shamara checks out the site pretty often, while holding down the city of Philly, everyday on air.  Shamara comes on Power 99 FM from 10am-2pm.  Thanks Shamara for the constant shout-outs and support!  Appreciate ya friend!  You can check out her personal page right here.  MO readers, you already know that we won’t tolerate any disrespectful comments, towards ANY of our readers that send us pictures.  So carry on.  More pics of Shamara when you




32 Responses to “Our Readers!”

  1. BroadStreetBully said

    Ah MO i see you giving my city some love. I check Shamara everyday while at work. Pretty smile. I see you Midday!

  2. BroadStreetBully said

    Oh yea, our Mayor is cornball lol.

  3. Hovy's Home said

    I love some pretty sistas. Is that her kissing Jamie Foxx? Nice pics.

  4. Keep doin ya thing Shamara! Good look media outrage!

  5. Yeah I Said It said

    Gone do the damn thang girl!!!! Good look Shammara. MO you give yourself away a little each day, you are somewhere between Philly,and Jersey. I hope to gain ground on your ass by the end of the week…..

  6. Okay Ms. DJ (aka Ms. Shamara), I’ve been to your website and I just wanna say congrats or as u put it “HI-5”! You obviously have a job that you truly love (I’m not so lucky right now…) and have a gorgeous, beautiful daughter. You are definitely a positive role model. Keep on doing what you’re doing.

    Again, congrats!

  7. Brenda said

    Hey Shamara. Lawd I want Willie from Day 26!

  8. Random said

    I don’t know if it’s just me..but in some pics she resembles Tahiry!

  9. Yasmine T. said

    Okay! Get it Shamara! Im going to call a cousin of mine in Philly to see if she listens to you. Very nice pictures, loving the hair.

    Brenda, Willie is the business!

  10. Udamnright said

    I’m liking her pics. Damn and just when I thought most on-air radio personalities were ugly, she done went and proved my whole damn theory WRONG AS HELL!

    Jamie looks like he was really getting up in them lips. Pretty pics ma.

  11. 2thick4u said

    Beautiful pictures!!!

    Love the first picture with the curly hair :)!!!

  12. JJ Evans said

    she’s puuuuurrrrrrrrty!

  13. Marathon_Man said

    So wait MO, if I said that I’d love to tap that ass like Morse Code, is that disrespectful? I listen to Shamara when I get the chance. Jersey and PHilly stand up!

    But back to my rant…She could get the business. I’d tear that pretty thick ass up like divorce papers.

    Hi Five to you friend! Damn.

  14. Ms. E said

    Lovely pics!! Keep representing for the strong black sista’s 🙂

  15. Who ever said that everyone in radio is ugly is a lier!!!! Ms. Shamara you are stunning!!! Love the hair, eyes, everything! Beautiful!!!

  16. karesha said

    Get em MIdday girl, I’m lovin the new hair dew that I decided to get it myself, we have gots to get up sometime Shamara. Hit my twtter asap @chosen183. Hi 5 friend.

  17. g555 said

    Now this is my speed right here. Beautiful complexion, the hair is propa, smile is real beautiful, and she got a damn job! Feeling it.

  18. youknow4 said

    Shamara is the biddness….HI FIVE!!!!

  19. Lai'Lani said

    Your hair is gorgeous! Way to represent for the nubian sistas!

  20. KiKiWest said

    Hi 5 Friend!!! I LOVE Shamara. SP in the building.

  21. Paul said

    Nice pics. Sexy gal right there. Ive only been to philly 3 times in my life.

  22. w2m said

    Thats a good look Shamara. Rep for the positive sisters and women everywhere. Love the pics.

    Brenda and Yasmine, I concur on Willie. Lawd he fine!! I watched the finale last night and umph umph umph!!

  23. Shamara said

    Thanks for the comments friend I really appreciate the kind words have a Blessed weekend be safe! Hi-5 Follow Me on twitter if you like too

  24. Freddy Yes I'm Gay said

    Girl I just love your hair!!!

    Don’t get Power99, I’m in Florida 😦

  25. ESPN said

    A very pretty smile if I might add. So that’s Philly’s mayor? Why is he a cornball?

  26. maliamalia STILL WAITING FOR HER hot chocolate said

    Very beautiful pictures!!!

  27. I HATE MY JOB! said

    Nice to put a face with the voice. Pretty pictures Shamara…

    West Philly all day!

  28. She is bangin and since I stopped being vulgar, I would like to say she is a remarkable beauty and a positive force on Philadelphia radio.

    ……who am I kidding she is fine as fuck and if I was her man I’d beat it up so good her clitoris would take out a retaining order…


  29. Smurfette said

    Pretty pics, girl!

    On another note, comment #27, im lovin yo name!! Lol

  30. MissTX85 said

    Hello Shamara! Pretty pics!

  31. beach chick said

    Loving the hair!

  32. Shamara T. said

    i love your name, mine is Shamara too!!!!!!!

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