Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

Simon Cowell: Paula Will Be On “Idol” Next Season Because I Say So

Posted by Media Outrage on July 21, 2009

Simon Cowell k

Simon Cowell threw his thoughts into the fire concerning Paula Abdul’s future on American Idol.  It had surfaced in the media that Paula has yet to receive a contract offer for this upcoming season of Idol.  She said she was hurt and angry.  Peep what Simon’s saying….

“She’ll be fine. She’ll be on the show. I don’t get a lot of say. I’ve just made it clear that I want Paula on the show.”

Mediaoutrage–  Looks like Simon is pulling rank.  Wonder if the executives will take heed or hasten her drunk ass out of the door.

10 Responses to “Simon Cowell: Paula Will Be On “Idol” Next Season Because I Say So”

  1. sumarrain said

    Stop with the publicity stunts already, every year is the same old shit (will or wont the Crazy Drug using Bi*ch be back) enough already. America Idol get killer rating what else do you want

    Dam Dam Dam you guys are making me sick sick sick. Shit just vomited.

  2. MissTX85 said


  3. lowridaz said

    of course she be back, who else he gonna get easy pussy from
    lmaoooooo, she is a cheap trick, never liked her at all

  4. Kanyade said

    She is a trainwreck.

    Folks will watch her crash and burn (again) with her loopiness. Simon knows this, so he’s keeping her. Ratings = $$$$

  5. […] News Sources wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptSimon Cowell threw his thoughts into the fire concerning Paula Abdul’s future on American Idol. It had surfaced in the media that Paula has yet to receive a contract offer for this upcoming season of Idol. She said she was hurt and angry. Peep what Simon’s saying…. “She’ll be fine. She’ll be on the show. I don’t get a lot of say. I’ve just made it clear that I want Paula on the show.” Mediaoutrage – Looks like Simon is pulling rank. Wonder if the executives will take heed or hasten he […]

  6. My question is who still watches this bullshit?!?!??!

    They always pick some talentless cornball who is sweeter than Elton John in Perez Hilton sugar field!

  7. ucanb2 said

    If Simon Says she will be back (Paula will be back)

  8. BadBadKitty said

    @Dickwell – you sho right. AI is wack, but the auditions are funny as hell!

  9. BadBadKitty..they are funny but as soon as it serious they always pick the bullshit with Boy Band looks to compete.

  10. Marathon_Man said

    Yea cause all they need do, is have every audition at any black church in the south where all the women are like 450 bills easy, and you’d have a whole bunch of winners.

    not being disrespectful, but IVE NEVER SEEN A BIG BLACK WOMAN THAT COULDN’T blow harder than Monica Lewinsky in the Oval office.

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