Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

Something For The Ladies…

Posted by Media Outrage on August 4, 2009

Common s

Common was spotted heading back to his hotel in NY the other day.  He was rockin’ a wife beater and showing the ladies the bicep game.  We snagged these pics from TheYBF.  One more for your viewing pleasure….

Common s1

12 Responses to “Something For The Ladies…”

  1. MO I will adjust my schedule to meet you in the park! Bring scarf,tennis shoes, vaseline,bandaids,iodine,take your earrings out,bring bail money and leave instruction in case you don’t make it back to office. :MAD:

  2. Ms.Behave said

    Just like the “YBF” logo this mofo is ‘flaming’.

    YISI, i’m with u, let’s find MO and do some sniper shit. 😡

    FYI. I respect COMMON as an artist, but morning wood? His fingers aren’t even thick.

  3. @ Ms Behave, his fingers not long either, just average. If he didn’t have his hand in his pocket his pants would lay flat as an ironing board.

    I think we can get away with a beat down in the park of MO. I want to look them in the face and watch them cry!

  4. Ms.Behave said

    @YISI, yeah, i want them to cry and bleed, i love seeing blood, lol, very thrilling :p

    @MO, u better pray YISI, catches u before i do, cause ur asses will bleed more than MJ’s doctor in the pen and it won’t be because im fcking u, just ur mouth will be too busy swallowing bullets… i won’t fck u [next time maybe :p ], i’ll just fck u up.


  5. Monica said

    First…please stop with the stereotypes. Long, thick fingers…big feet…don’t make a difference. Believe me, I have seen guys with all of that and it wasn’t even close to what it should be and vice versa. LOL So not an indication of size or width. I will say that his face is really thin and he has lost weight. His body has toned but not sure how swexy it is. He needs to keep clothes on for me. I love Common too but these pics are not very flattering. Too defined.

  6. Ms.Behave said

    @ Monica, i don’t know what the fck u talking bout’, i don’t care about the stereotype ish, i’m talking about PREFERENCE, so if a mofo’ ain’t got some thick/long finger’s, he CAN’T come into my camp, don’t even get me started on the D*CK SIZE.

    Finger fcking is A MUST and u will need good fingers to do the job… u know what they say about ‘ASSUMPTIONS’…don’t come attacking people for something u clearly don’t understand.

  7. ucanb2 said

    I wondered if you were trying to trick me this time.. But I will take Common!

  8. Kanyade said

    Common is SEXY!~

  9. MissTX85 said


    *Loading up my .380 and headed to meet YISI & Ms. Behave to shake up MO’s world for this!!*

    I just knew this was gone be that OTHER post!

    Want ya’ll to know I am highly pissed off right now MO!!

  10. MoneAlicia said

    He looks….hungry.

  11. Tia said

    he aite…i mean he aint no Idris Elba!! lol

  12. Gay said

    His face doesn’t add up. Not attractive to me at all.

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