Media Outrage

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Shaq Has A Live-In Stripper Girlfriend

Posted by Media Outrage on November 11, 2009


More rumors are circulating that Shaq is getting his cheat on extra smooth.  Peep the rumors that Shaq has a live-in girlfriend who’s a stripper by clicking here.

21 Responses to “Shaq Has A Live-In Stripper Girlfriend”

  1. ucanb2 said


  2. Listen, If people dont believe me when I say this….“Ugly is the new FINE”

    Time and time again it is revealed that women out there would rather be with with a clown who looks like he came out of a Dr Suess novel rather than a Ebony male model.

    Yeah, Money is a prime factor, but damn! Having a 7’2 sweaty,greasy, 12 sandwich and corn chip eating nigga on top of you ain’t worth the Grants and Franklins…….

  3. LACY said

    Just imagine how much info will be released before she file the divorce papers …Damn a single mother of 4

  4. MissTX85 said

    Well damn!!

  5. Smurfette said

    Damn Shaq. U just can’t hold on to yo stacks can you?

  6. Ok so here is what I simply do not understand…you are a man of means, able to afford to the finer things in life, acquire art, travel to exotic locales, experience things most of us have only dreamed about.

    And you decide to share your bed with a stripper jump-off? You might was well go partner with a stuffed animal, for all the reciprocation/partnering she will provide. When will these fools learn to discern between chosing/loving your WIFE/BESTFRIEND/LOVER and getting your nutz off? Its like these fools have no damn game.

    PS. On another note…LACY..damn loving ur avatar everytime I see you post. Sexy as f**k!

  7. Truly23 said

    Dayum, I can’t imagine what his ex will walk away with… I hope it’s not another anal rape like Nas and Kelis…

  8. MissTX85 said

    @ Truly, considering the allegations, I think Shaq’s dumbass would deserve it.

  9. Yvonne said

    If Shaq likes to play and can’t be faithful why did he get married in the first place? He deserves whatever he gets and I hope she takes him to the cleaners.

  10. Smurfette said

    Right on TX!

  11. Truly23 said

    lol@ MissTx and Yvonne I guess I’m feeling sorry for everyone after Nas’ situation.. That’s wayyyyyyyyyy over the top..But you do have a valid point Yvonne, if you feel you still want to play-why get married??

  12. Atlantaaaaa said

    Who would even fuck with that gigantic ass nigga??? I dont give a damn how much money he has. His mouth hangs open.

  13. Teena Thomas said

    OK now my first thought is to say ” I hope she takes his ass to the cleaners”, however….. Why didn’t she move to where her husband was????? I mean come on you had to know that the man living in a different state as his family is going to want some compainionship. and if he was already banging the next chick out, and the wife is being difficult… Come on Yall, everybody knows what was going to happen. So Shaunie you basically set yourself up for a failed marriage. He is SHAQ……. Althought I wouldn’t touch him with somebody else hands…… you know how many THIRSTY Chickens out there who will not hesitate to FUCK SUCK and TAke the next chicks HUSBAND. So Yeah, get what you are due girl, but you have to chalk this one up to you left the door open on your marriage.

  14. BadBadKitty0727 said

    I can’t even imagine havin’ that big ass tree trunk lookin’ like English Bull Mastiff mofo layin’ next to me every damn night breathin’ them vapors all on me and meltin’ my weave and shit, but if I agreed to be his wife, then that’s the way it’s gonna be. Damn livin’ in 2 separate states – wherever he go, I go and I’m there 24/7 servin’ it up just the way he like it and spending them stacks just the way I like it. 🙂

  15. Kanyade said


  16. Yeah I Said It said

    I can’t imagine big nasty sleeping next to me with all that fire breathing dragon breath blowing around and stankin up the room something fierce. Can you even visualize this mongoose eating and breathing thru his nose at the same time sounding like a freight train! How about him swallowing up your shower with his big nasty funky ass. And got the nerve to cheat on somebody talkin bout he got a live-in girlfriend. She must be goofy as hell.

  17. ali said

    LMFAO @ Atlantaaaaa!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA, I couldn’t have said it better myself.

  18. LACY said


    Lol …Dania is one pretty woman …

  19. Media Outrage said

    LOL @ Atlanta

  20. itsurboi said

    i guess that she signed an airtight shaq-friendly pre-nup cuz if not Shaq is about to be the busiest, hardest working man in show business if a) the the prenup aint shaq friendly, cuz shaunie spit out like five shaqzillas and the judge will lean towards her since he cheated b) the strippers baby is his.

    I hope Gilbert Arenas pop out the bushes on his ass.

  21. ucanb2 said

    LOL @ Itsurboi…”five shaqzillas” LMAO!

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