Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

Who’s More Famous, Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods???

Posted by Media Outrage on January 26, 2010

Both Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods have dominated their respective sports and earned more money than any of their peers, but what we want to know, is, who’s more famous??  Not who has more money, that would be Tiger, but who is known more around the globe with face name recognition.  Have at it….

21 Responses to “Who’s More Famous, Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods???”

  1. brynnrock said

    Mike in the day, Tiger today due to him slinging dick all over the country.

  2. Marathon_Man said

    Jordan’s still more famous around the world.

  3. MissTX said

    Definitely Mike.

  4. Hovy's Home said


  5. Yeah I Said It said

    Michael Jackson

  6. cstyle said


  7. Grand Hustle 4 Life said


  8. Ms. Behave said

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                          |     |  JORDAN  |
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  9. Jolie said

    Both of them have no morals and good character.

    • lilkunta said

      Good point. MJ cheated on his wife Jaunita as well.
      I dont know if MJ cheated as much as Tiger did, but MJ too is an adulterer.

  10. aniya said

    JORDAN of course!

  11. lilkunta said

    1)Michael Jackson
    2) Michael Jordan
    3) Madonna

    somewhere down the list is Tiger.

    MJ dominated the 90s and is still reverered.
    Pppl still liine up for his overly expensive shoes.
    He got ppl to eat hot dogs ( ballpark franks).
    Remember the movie SPACE JAM? I still have my Space Jam sweatshirt.

    Michael Jordan no question.

  12. ALLISWELL5 said

    Michael Jordan takes the Crown!!….every time I see the number 23, I subconsciously think of Jordan….except for Alfred Hitchcock, Jordan is the only other person that can recognized solely by their silhouette….just take a look at Ms.Behave’s comment up top ^^^


  13. lio said

    Jordan of course

  14. Nina said

    The same.

  15. Robert Feeley said

    Tiger Woods Located at Secret Illinois Sex Rehab:

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