Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!


Posted by Media Outrage on March 3, 2010

Leona Lewis did a photoshoot for Grazia Magazine in which they completely discolored ole girl.  Interesting…

12 Responses to “Leona Looks DIFFERENT”

  1. ucanb2 said


    • ucanb2 said

      I don’t get it… you hired me knowing I am ((black/green/brown/purple)) so why change me to gray???? IJA

  2. LowRidaz said

    scary looking thing up there, ugh

  3. Yeah I Said It said


  4. sweet_tea said

    I’m not feeling the Michael Jackson look. 😦 Yuck.

  5. Ms. E said


  6. Teena Thomas said

    WTF!!!!! Come on now!!!!! How she let them turn her White and Ugly?!!!!

  7. SundayKnight said

    That bitch look dead. She is finally succumbing to those white folks over there, she better get head strong and realize she is strength.

  8. Kingston said

    She looks like a ghost. Between her MC Hammer pants, her clown lipstick, and her funeral makeup I don’t know where to start. SMDH.

  9. Kanyade said

    I think it’s Photoshop that’s lent such a ‘cast’ over this image. The real is probably much warmer but they contrasted and adjusted levels and such to make her look like a waxy doll from the 1800s… 😐

  10. i swear every picture i see her in she gets lighter and lighter…. next thing you know she’ll be clear, it’ll just be a dress and shoes posin with nobdy in it.

  11. MissTX said

    Er, uhh……*exits post*

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