Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

Ciara RIDES It

Posted by Media Outrage on April 7, 2010

This is Ciara on the set of her new video “Ride” being ultra-seductive.  Is it time for Ci-Ci to choose another career or does she still have more creativity in the tank??

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13 Responses to “Ciara RIDES It”

  1. MaliaMalia LOVES MO & Lamman Rucker and sapphire check you gmail!!! lol xx said

    Cute pictures dont like the third photo though

  2. Yeah I Said It said

    She just looks wet and greased down. Fur coat and black shoe boots not gettin it in!!

  3. Cut Up said

    Wonder if the box is worth a million or not. Liked her better when she first came with Goodies.

    • Satui said

      totally agree…this chick has lost her way…y fuck with something that was working 4u…i liked the girl around the way who can dance and half-way sing vibe she was on…it was effortless to her…but this shit right here…I can see effort plastered across all of these pictures…she’s tryin to be some1 she’s not…sorry 2 rant but I want it for her and insiders say that if her next CD does as poorly as that carnival bullshit her ass is out…hope the best 4 her though….

    • MaliaMalia LOVES MO & Lamman Rucker and sapphire check your gmail!!! lol xx said

      Goodies was one of my favorites!! Not into her most recent songs now but still love her dancing!

  4. ucanb2 said


  5. Kanyade said

    I’m waiting……for these images to make sense? 😐

  6. Kingston said

    Ciara definitely has the potential to be one of the biggest entertainers despite her lack of vocal abilities. As far as dancing, nobody is touching her. I think she needs to stick to what works best for her because her image is all over the place.

    And Ciara just needs to be groomed properly. I see Janet Jackson alot in Ciara so I say yes, Ci still has it.

  7. Sapphire Storm said

    The other pix she took were much better than these IMO. The others looked more high fashion & editorial. These look like they belong in an issue of VIBE or Right On.

  8. Dominikingz said


  9. BadBadKitty0727 said

    Pic on the bull with them Daisy Dukes make it look like she got a yeast infection. Pics in baseball cap are wrong on too many levels. Pic w/fur coat – look at her shoes. One shoe has strap, one doesn’t. WTF? FAIL!

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