Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

Jamie’s In Good Company

Posted by Media Outrage on April 20, 2010

Jamie Foxx was surrounded by 3 beautiful ladies this weekend in Beverly Hills during the 2010 Silver Rose Gala & Auction.  Halle Berry, Leona Lewis and that ridiculously talented homewrecker Alicia Keys posed for photos with Mr. Ray Charles himself.  Who had it going on more, Halle or Alicia???  More images when you

14 Responses to “Jamie’s In Good Company”

  1. Yeah I Said It said

    While I digg the dress Hollie is wearing, I say AK homewrecker or not she is my girl

  2. 私は愛を午前 said

    Neither… something is ‘off’ with those openings on halle’s dress, can’t hate on that “AB peek” though lolol, Akeys dress is better, but still a fail and Leona? Please get a stylist hun’, ou’re topping the “Worst Dress” list a little too often.

    Wendy Raquel Robinson takes the cake, she looks ethereal, minus that cheap under blouse, purple is my color though lol

    lol @ “that ridiculously talented homewrecker Alicia Keys”… MO, i love you, i really do *smile*

  3. Random said

    Def. Halle..Absolutely Gorgeous…Love the dress!!

    Alicia/Leona and the other chic could def use a makeover!

  4. CaramelKiss said

    I guess Jamie sent out the biracial memo…LOL. All good looking ladies by the way. But y’all know how I do. I do pay attention to detail. While Halle’s body is banging, the upper portion of her dress smooshes her boobs, making her look like she has on a sports bra. :-(. That pleather/leather get-up AKeys has on is “meh”… I wouldn’t wanna wear that in 80 degree plus weather, MELTDOWN! Leona Lewis’ eyes are so pretty. That’s all I got to say about her.

  5. MissStep said

    Halle looks great, as usual.

  6. ucanb2 said

    All the ladies look nice.

  7. Kingston said

    Halle of course. That dress is lovely with just the right amount of skin showin. Halle hardly does wrong when it comes to her red carpet fashions.

    AK is talented and of course she was wrong for messing with a married man, but Swiss beatz was the married one and that beak nose idiot hardly catch any heat.

    Leona looks a mess as usual. Her makeup and hair is a mess.

  8. Verbalism7 said

    They all look stunning.

  9. Gail said

    Halle looks awesome for a forty three year old.

  10. Lio said

    Hands down Halle, come one now M.O, what kind of question is this ?? pfff lol

  11. Kanyade said

    WENDY!!!!!!!!!!!! Love her LOL

    Everybody looks nice 🙂

  12. brynnrock said

    They all are stuttin go Jamie!

  13. MissTX said

    Wendy looks nice.

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