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Posts Tagged ‘Paula Abdul has a nervous breakdown at airport???’

Did Paula Abdul have a nervous breakdown at LAX???

Posted by Media Outrage on January 10, 2008

Paula Abdul

Radaronline is reporting that a tipster told them that American Idol judge Paula Abdul had a nervous breakdown recently at Los Angeles International Airport.

She had an insane nervous breakdown that lasted 10 minutes. One minute she was hyperventilating and on the verge of passing out; the next she was yelling into her cell phone in this deep, rage-filled Poltergeist voice. She kept screaming three names over and over—Michael, Sidney, and Leslie. Everyone was staring at her, but she didn’t care.

We hope this is false because we really like Paula Abdul. But once you get that crazy moniker attached to you it’s hard as heck to get it off.

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