Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

Foxy’s coming home

Posted by Media Outrage on April 10, 2008

Foxy Brown if finally coming home as in being released after serving 8 months in a New York correctional facility. Foxy will be released on April 18th. Here’s what Foxy’s manager Chazz Williams told SOHH about her release.

“She is not getting out early. Foxy served her entire sentence [under] good time, that is, days deducted by the law, that every prisoner gets unless its procedurally taken [away] for breaking prison rules.”

Mediaoutrage– Oh and Foxy is in talks about possibly getting her own reality TV show. Reality TV is becoming saturated. Soon their’s going to be a show about homeless dudes break dancing, and what it really means to break dance while being homeless. We can see it on VH1 now.

3 Responses to “Foxy’s coming home”

  1. B.Price said

    Yall could’ve gotten a better photo of the girl couldn’t you?

  2. Media Outrage said

    LOL this picture captures her exuberance.

  3. Fox_BOOGiE said

    Foxy brown is homee !!
    – Foxy Brown – Star Cry Remix
    – Foxy Brown – Lights Go Out Remix
    – Foxy Brown – The Quan Remixx

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