Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

How do you beat an entire network???

Posted by Media Outrage on April 17, 2009

Pacific Cinerama Dome

Ashton Kutcher made Twitter History yesterday, by becoming the 1st person to secure 1 million followers.  A few weeks ago he issued a challenge to CNN, saying that he could beat them to a million.  They accepted the challenge and there went the race.  Well anyway, Kutcher WON.  Our question, is how in the sam Hell do you defeat a Network that is on 24 hours a day?  Lol.  Oh well.  Congrats to Ashton.  So as you well know, Kutcher has the MOST followers on Twitter.  That would make sense right?

6 Responses to “How do you beat an entire network???”

  1. Ms. E said

    Who cares?

    What was the point in beating CNN?

  2. ucanb2 said

    And… why should I care?

  3. You know what, I think this guy is either a serial killer or a sever drug user because the more I hear the stupid shit that comes from him, the more Im scared. Why would you care about beating CNN for the most tweets. Like, who gives a fuck unless your on dope or about to blow up the Government.

    From marrying a MILF twice his ,to making some of the stupidest fucking movies God has allowed to be made, I think I am scared of this fucker.

  4. crystalshine said

    M.O. are yall on twitter?

  5. Yasmine T. said

    LMAO! at DT. *still laughing*

  6. sweet_tea said

    I love twitter & all, but I stayed out of the stupidness. Who cares that he got 1 million losers to follow him? It’s pointless, like people on MySpace & FB that want to fill a page with 800 people they don’t know. Following too many people on Twitter is like having 10 people telling you info at once. It’s impossible to connect. I just gave a friend the X today for posting about 5 times an hour. I care, but not that much…

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