Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

Idris Elba Covers Uptown Magazine

Posted by Media Outrage on February 18, 2010

Idris Elba is plastered on the cover of UPTOWN Magazine giving the ladies something to stare at.  Idris speaks about his celebrity.  Peep game…

How do American and English fans react to your celebrity?
It’s weird. An English star has to be a lot more humble. But if an American comes over, he has to be all “Yeah, motherfucker, I’m the best!” And English people love that. In America, I downplay this whole celebrity thing; there are just more important things in life. I will probably never be überfamous in America because I don’t care about the culture of celebrity.

What’s one quality you’ve taken from each culture?
One of the greatest things that America has to offer is optimism. To English people, the optimism in America can be almost nauseating. But in America, it’s the reason why you can do what the f**k you want. And for good or bad, England became one of the most powerful nations in the world—England has resilience. Those two things make me an unstoppable human being!

Did you spit any rhymes or sing melodies between takes with your other castmates T.I. and Chris Brown?
Yeah, we were huddled in the corner doing three-part harmony. [Laughs.] No, no, none of that.

Your contemporary soul EP High Class Problems, Volume I comes out in the U.K. this February and in the United States later this year under your music moniker, Driis. What do you want the songs to convey?
There’s a lot of celebration of love songs. Secular music now is all about, “Let me f**k you, take you to the crib, do this and that.” I deejay so I have to play [that music] sometimes, but when I write my songs, they’re more about a connection.


37 Responses to “Idris Elba Covers Uptown Magazine”

  1. Ms. Behave™ said

    He looks sharp… i’ve been hearing some DL rumors about him *adjusting gayometer*

  2. Sapphire Storm said

    I’m not gonna lie. When I clicked on the pic of him walking in the water, my eyes automatically went to the chocolate bunny next to him. But, Idris could get. Ever since The Wire. He and I have already had this discussion. It’s old news. He knows the deal. I like him better when he uses his accent though.

    Side Note– His parents are from Ghana & Sierra Leone. Wonder if he owns a spear and elephant tooth???

    • Ms. Behave™ said

      Hahahaha…” His parents are from Ghana & Sierra Leone. Wonder if he owns a spear and elephant tooth???” u need a slap for that lol.

    • Ms. Behave™ said

      Sapphire, ur ‘lesbian’ urges are showing … where is malia when u need her lol. P.S. ‘chocolate bunny’s’ right boobie is half out, thought u might like that freak lol… P.S.S are ‘chocolate’ girls referred to as ‘bunnies’? I thought that was reserved for hugh and them heifers lol.

      • sapphirestorm02 said

        Now, could I be a true cyber lesbian and not have noticed the side boob?! Me thinks not! lol. But Yes we can be. When I went to a club in Memphis, some old school pimp told me I looked like a chocolate Easter bunny and he wanted to lick me, lol. By the end of the night he was calling me Bunny & I was answering! Girl, He almost had me on the stroll with Diamond, Cristal, & Ms. Cherry & ‘nem!

      • Ms. Behave™ said

        Girl don’t tell me u had that man digging out and calling u bunny? lol … diamond yeah, you know him going deeeep into ur crust, doing some digging and “Voilà, a ‘diamond’ ” lol, but bunny? all they do is hop around and f*ck, plus when they breed, good lawd’!!!!, ever heard the phrase ‘she breeding like a rabbit’… not good lolol.

      • MaliaMalia LOVES MO said

        Hey lesbo’s ( Ms. Behave and sapphire) im back so sorry shit loads of work has held me back from logging into my MO.COM!!! miss you gorgeous ladies so much!!!

        Yes that model next idris she is soooo hot!!! I notice her before i had even notice my sweet Idris was there with her anyway pictures looks great!!!

        and LOL @ Side Note– His parents are from Ghana & Sierra Leone. Wonder if he owns a spear and elephant tooth???
        and LOL @ are ‘chocolate’ girls referred to as ‘bunnies’? I thought that was reserved for hugh and them heifers lol.

      • emliy said

        YES…SHE IS

    • MissTX said

      Okay Sapphire you a damn fool!! (mean that in a nice way)

      LMAO @ “Girl, He almost had me on the stroll with Diamond, Cristal, & Ms. Cherry & ‘nem!”

    • MaliaMalia LOVES MO said

      and sapphire storm loving your picture too!!!


      • Sapphire Storm said

        Anything for you my love! Thnx 😉

      • Ms. Behave™ said

        O-M-G!! No u did not just say “Hey lesbo’s” *dead*

        Didn’t notice new pic til’ today when i switched browsers, purple in sooooo in right now at my hub, along with yellow, i hate to follow trends, but dang i LOVE bright colors…PRETTY PIC XXXXXXXXXXX

      • Sapphire Storm said

        Ms. Behave Yes! Yes she did! But I guess it’s okay because she’s one too lol. Thank you.

        Yeah, I’ve noticed that as well, but I’ve loved purple forever (my b-stone is amethyst). Can’t wait till the weather heats back up so I can wear my yellow sundress, white hat & white 5 inch stiletto shoes!!! Damn I felt myself almost cum again… but I brought it back lol

      • Ms. Behave™ said

        If ur cumming with just the thought of ‘warm’ weather… damn i guess y’all should call me Ms. Orgasm from now on, cause i have summer every damn day lololol.

        ***************News Flash********************

        Man Flies Plane Into IRS Building, TODAY 02/18/10

        Source 1 and Source 2

      • MaliaMalia LOVES MO said

        LOL @ Sapphire storm my sunshine!!! @ Damn I felt myself almost cum again… but I brought it back lol

        Finally MO has posted up some decent male eye candy and i am so grateful for that MO, unless YISI has finally found the location and has taken over MO.COM LOL probably this explains all that male eye candy post!!

  3. Dominikingz said


  4. MissTX said

    Now he’s eye-candy. Love the cover.

    Thanks MO.

  5. […] what he had to say when you click HERE #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: […]

  6. Lai' Lani said

    He’s so damn YUMMY

  7. Cutiewitbigbooty said

    He is so fine.

  8. Kingston said

    ^^^^^ Look at ya’ll cutting up already!!!! LOL!
    But yes Idris “Sexual Chocolate” Elba is a gorgeous and sexy man! He could get it anyway he wants it. Laawwwd have mercy on HIM if we ever cross paths! LOL. And let me not get started with that sexy ass accent…
    Thanks MO…

  9. ucanb2 said


  10. Sharon said

    What a gorgeous hunk of love. Yum.

  11. Thanks for the eye candy MO….yum yum yum

  12. teelady said

    that man can get it any day

  13. Nina said

    What a beautiful man.

  14. Kanyade said

    he could get it no doubt. i follow him on Twitter. sexy

    STRINGER BELL!!!!!!!!!!

    shoutout to The Wire <—THE best Crime Drama on TV EVER EVER EVER!

  15. […] Idris Elba Covers Uptown Magazine……Media Outrage […]

  16. leilaray a.k.a Zogie said

    He’s damn sexy. But i like the fact that he has a mind of his own. And is doing his own thing.. Love it.. Love it.

  17. kekelolo said

    I am in LOVE with Idris Elba!

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