Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

Kim Showing Some Cleavage Over In Australia

Posted by Media Outrage on April 23, 2010

Kim Kardashian made an in-store appearance at Optus in Brisbane, Australia.  The store was packed out with fans waiting to see their favorite media wh*re in person.  Some held posters of the talentless hag.  We’re all for finding your niche and milking that thing for all it’s worth and that might be her family’s greatest talent indeed.  More ta-ta’s when you

15 Responses to “Kim Showing Some Cleavage Over In Australia”

  1. Cut Up said

    Kim O in full effect. I bet yall up there a stack yall can’t go a week without posting some Kim K on M.O. aka Kim O.

    • P.S. I love MO!!! said

      I crack up everytime i see that ‘Kim O’ reference lol, maybe you should spell it “KIM HO”, it has a nice ring to it lolol.

  2. brynnrock said

    She went on a TV shoe, that lady grabbed Kim’s ass and had an orgasm. She was so excited and said it was real and felt like jelly or a waterbed. Funny as hell.

  3. ucanb2 said

    Miss Kim… is working with what she has!!! LOL

  4. Lynn said

    that BITCH look like she still smell like pee. What the lady was squeezing in her a$$ was c–.

  5. who's that lady said

    Im sick of her MO if yall just want 2 post up pics of tits and ass go 2 Alanta or anywhere in the South 4 that matter and i promise u its a ass like that on every corner. Get over it already. And should have never stared that plastic surgery ish on her face she was already pretty. She go look yuck face in a min if she keep it up.

  6. Mr. 13in said

    Before ya’ll start going off..

    Remember, this isn’t Kim pursuing the Papps, this is the Papps pursuing her.

    • BadBadKitty0727 said

      THAT’S debatable. I fully believe her publicist issues a press release to certain media outlets of where she’ll be & when. *I’m not sayin’ there’s anything wrong with it.*

    • Verbalism7 said

      Oh please! Everything she does is a publicity stunt.

    • Anne said

      Yeah, right. The media gets there hours before she does. LOL! Kim’s PR folks (one of them is probably her looney Mama) deserve a raise because this woman keeps them crazy busy, phoning in, faxing in, every last one of her moves. Most celebrities want some alone time when they step out. Some of them even get into scuffles with the photographers from time to time. This woman runs towards them instead of away from them. She’s never met a photographer she didn’t like.

  7. Aniya said

    Doing what she does BEST…

  8. THE ICEMAN said

    Kim is getting paid gotta love that if nothing else.

  9. check it out…

    […]Kim Showing Some Cleavage Over In Australia « Media Outrage[…]…

  10. Christina said

    all the time i used to read smaller content that as well clear their motive, and that
    is also happening with this post which I am reading here.

  11. starmusiq said

    ummm… I Love you Goddess

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