Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

Parents Upset Over “Machine Gun” T.I.’s Visit To Kids’ School

Posted by Media Outrage on April 23, 2010

Some parents in New Jersey were very upset that T.I. was allowed to visit their kids’ school and interact with the children without parental permission.

The principal of Woodland Middle School in Henry County, New Jersey, has come under fire over rapper T.I.‘s recent appearance.

T.I., born Clifford Harris Jr., appeared at the school on March 5th and spoke to students.

Parents of some students took issue with the fact that they were not notified of who would be speaking to their children.

T.I., who was recently released from a halfway house to house arrest with a curfew, served a year in prison for attempting to purchase multiple machine guns with silencers.

As part of his probation, the rapper was sentenced to 1,500 hours of community service, 1,000 of which were completed prior to his prison sentence.

He flew around the country visiting middle schools, recreational centers and various Boys & Girls Clubs, where he encouraged teens to stay away from drugs, violence and gangs.

Tom Myers, who has four children in the school, was one of several parents who complained about T.I.’s appearance in a letter to principal Dr. Terry Oaks.

“In the future, if T.I. or any other convicted felon needs to perform community service, ask for parental permission to allow our children to be exposed to these questionable individuals,” wrote Tom Myers, who has four daughters in the school.

According to Atlanta’s Channel 2 Action News, Dr. Oates sent a series of questionable replies in defense of the rapper that upset parents.

“I thought about asking a guy who snorted cocaine and got arrested for DUI when he was 30 to come and speak to our kids, but President George W. Bush was not available,” Dr. Oates allegedly replied.

In another letter, Dr. Oates again defended T.I.’s appearance and noted that the rapper had never been convicted of “homicide.”

“Mr. Harris has never been convicted of homicide. We would not be able to adequately staff our states general assembly, our U.S. Congress or the executive branch of our government using your apparent standards,” Dr. Oates allegedly wrote in an email.

School officials are investigating the emails sent by Dr. Oates. They are also looking into their speaker’s policy, which does not require administrators contact parents when a guest comes to the school to speak.


Mediaoutrage–  That was a very witty point made about George W. Bush’ dumbass.  2 thumbs up.

23 Responses to “Parents Upset Over “Machine Gun” T.I.’s Visit To Kids’ School”

  1. brynnrock said

    I agree with Dr. Oates for standing up and representing. TI did his time and now given to the community. His replies were on point to all the white folks, I am sure. They need to look in their own backyards.

  2. who's that lady said

    As much as i LOVE LOVE T.I. and HATE HATE HATE complaing azz people i have 2 agree with the parents. they should have notified the parents that he was coming to speak. Even tho i WOULD let T.I. speak to my children bout guns violence and how 2 stay out of jail (Hes the perfect person he been through what hes talkn bout i wouldnt want some1 whos never been married 2 tell me about my marriage) but we have to understand every1 doesnt feel that way. Still allow him 2 speak but let it be the choice of the parent if they want there child 2 listen. Some people are just ignorant like that.:)

  3. MissTX said

    MO I thought this was in GA? At least that’s what BCK posted.

    Anywho, I don’t see what all the fuss is. Though I don’t believe in entertainers being Role Models, I think he’s doing a good thing encouraging these kids to stay on a straight path. What better person for them to learn from than someone who has experienced going down the wrong road? Whether they’re famous or not.

  4. Kingston said

    Not condemning TI, but if it were my child, Yes, I would want to be notified of who’s coming to the school to speak to my child about whatever. What is so wrong with asking for parental permission before talking to a bunch of middle schoolers? Although it is not a requirement, the parents were not wrong with wanting to be notified.

  5. BadBadKitty0727 said

    I’m not condemning T.I. either, but parents do have a right to be notified of guest speakers – no matter who it is.

  6. yoy50 said

    I think this ‘Dr.’ Oates missed the point of the concerned parents. Let’s just resolve that everyone within our government branches have dark pasts (I personally think 85% are ex-criminals in some form). The snide remark about Bush (although true) was a ‘hood-like’ type of response like playing the dozens and was completely unnecessary. It had a level of immaturity to me. It was dismissive. And kids aren’t really ‘deciding’ that these celebs are their role models, they’re programmed to innately look up to celebs in that way so in that sense, it really is up to the parents to stand up and speak out.

    I personally don’t think any convicted celeb should be a guest speaker at a school. In ‘T.I.’s’ case (I had to look him up because I stopped following this lame azz music a decade ago), ‘doing his time’ is not like a regular criminal doing theirs. To me this T.I. kid got a ‘vacation from his hectic life’. I’d much rather see a regular Joe Blow speak to children about making a mistake and actually learning from it. When T.I. got out, he returned to his ‘fantasy’ lifestyle, but when Joe Blow returns to the real world he’s a much better example for not doing the crime in the first place because HIS life won’t fall back on track as easily as your “T.I.’s”. And for “Dr. Oats” to make the comparison; “that the rapper had never been convicted of “homicide.””… For real? WTF? While their ARE degrees of crime, isn’t the goal of these pep talks is to steer the children away from a life of crime, ANY CRIME? Kids kill too you know…

    I personally would rather these school invite speakers like Mark Dean, Dr. Ben Carter, Geoffrey Canada or Drs. Sampson Davis, Rameck Hunt and George Jenkins– real people who struggled through the same challenges that our children face and made a success of their lives WITHOUT a run-in with the fckin law. And all schools should have a policy to announce their visitors to the parents. I don’t want my child hearing a damn thing Puff Doody (or anyone like him) has to say.

    T.I.’s (or any celeb for that matter) community service should involve something like picking up trash in a city park, washing dishes at a homeless facility, doing laundry at a hospital or hospice and they shouldn’t be able to pick in chose; 2000 hours of picking up trash, period. Speaking to a crowd of eager children as a community service is like visiting 106 & park without the limo. THIS IS A FAIL, Ya’ll.

    • Yeah I Said It said

      Point taken!

    • MissStep said

      Well said, Yoy50! I could’ve said it better.

      • MissStep said

        I for one love T.I. However, parents need to be more attentive to what is being shoved in their kids’ faces at school. T.I. a role model for little kids today…… seriously doubt it.

      • yoy50 said

        Thank you @ missstep for chiming in on this discussion as well. Much appreciation, lady-friend!! (winks and smiles at cha’)!!!

        “T.I. a role model for little kids today…… seriously doubt it.”… well stated my friend… well stated! Celebs are “granted” and “promoted to” ‘role model status’ because that’s the way of the world and what our children are groomed for. But are these celebs really role models? Our kids think so but that’s why we are parents– to challenge what our kids are inundated with.

        Peace to you as well MissStep! 🙂

  7. name (required) said

    just some more white people mad about the wrong thing…what a damn shame

  8. Nina said

    These parents need to get a life. He’s an example you get guns, you get jail time.

  9. BadBadKitty0727 said

    Excellent points & commentary. Kudos to you for taking the time to express them on a blog that is primarily geared towards entertainment & gossip.

    *No disrespect M.O. You know I dig what you do, otherwise, I wouldn’t be here.* 🙂

  10. THE ICEMAN said

    At least he could have pulled his damn pants up before he spoke. I do think that kids will sometimes relate to others that have experienced the bad. Parents can not teach their kids everything because sometimes kids will not believe everything they are told by their parents. It is not a matter of bad parenting but there is so much peer pressure on kids today that it is sometimes best for them to hear messages of better conduct from other outlets. However the parents have a right to voice their opinions but sometimes shutting kids off from certain things only makes them want to know that much more about it and sometimes it can lead to disaster.

  11. Jacquie said

    Great delivery. Outstanding arguments. Keep up the amazing spirit.|

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