Media Outrage

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Creflo Dollar releases his churches financial records!!!

Posted by Media Outrage on November 11, 2007

Creflo Dollar

Creflo Dollar

The AtlantaJournalConstitution is reporting that Pastor Creflo Dollar’s World Changer’s Church International in College Park alone took in $69 million in 2006, according to a brief report his church showed the AJC.

Dollar said he is releasing some information about his and his church’s finances in light of the probe of a powerful senator into Dollar’s and other ministries’ finances.

I generally don’t make this public,” Dollar said.

His income is separate from the church’s, provided by businesses he owns and from investments and real estate, he said.

A church staff member said Dollar no longer gets a salary.

I have signed million-dollar deals for books,” Dollar said.

The church did give him a Rolls-Royce, he added, which is used largely for special occasions and for picking up special guests.

It is the expensive cars, private jets, million-dollar homes, jewelry and bevy of businesses associated with six evangelists’ media empires that got the attention of Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), the ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee.

Grassley asked last week for financial records from Dollar and his wife, Taffi, Bishop Eddie Long of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Lithonia, Randy and Paula White of Florida, the Rev. Benny Hinn and Kenneth and Gloria Copeland of Texas and David and Joyce Meyer of Missouri.

Long did not respond to the newspaper’s requests for interviews.

Grassley says he believes televangelists receive billions in donations each year. But he doesn’t really know, because churches don’t have to make their finances public like most nonprofits and charities.

Thanks to the First Amendment, the government treads carefully when it comes to walking in religion’s orchard. The federal government does not tax ministries.

But Grassley said his probe has nothing to do with religion.

I’m not interested in doctrine, just the tax laws,” he said.

He has looked at the high-roller lifestyles of TV ministers and wonders whether church leaders are using the breaks given to them to enrich themselves.

The ministries in question have bought “Rolls-Royces, Bentleys, corporate jets and now $23,000 for a marble-topped commode,” Grassley said.

One report to him said Joyce Meyer spent that much on the bathroom device. He said last week, “The public’s tolerance really gets tested by these examples of excess. People wonder how society is being served when money doesn’t seem to matter.”

Dollar said he understands the senator’s worries but is concerned at the same time about the government sticking its nose into religion’s business. Dollar said he is having legal experts look over the senator’s request.

Dollar is particularly concerned the government may be trying to divine what people can or cannot believe. And Dollar believes in prosperity.

The six religious broadcast empires under the gun all preach and teach forms of a gospel that justifies the accumulation of money and material goods as one sign of God’s blessing. It includes benefits like health, a good family life and benevolence toward others.

It is an American-born faith that mixes Christianity with capitalism, individualism and materialism, said Shayne Lee, a Tulane University sociologist who studies megachurches and religion.

It became popular in the 1980s, with Reaganism, a rising stock market, growing middle class and consumerism.

It’s a perfect culture for it. Americans want wealth. And the prosperity gospel allows people who are seeking wealth to have a spiritual justification for it,” Lee said.

Mainline theologians discount the prosperity gospel as errant.

But Dollar argues his material wealth is a clear sign of God’s blessing.

Check out the Bible, he said. The patriarchs were rich. He has said before that Jesus was rich. After all, Jesus had a treasurer (one of his disciples, according to the New Testament), and wore clothes worth enough that the soldiers who crucified him gambled to see who got them.

Without a doubt, my life is not average,” Dollar said. “But I’d like to say, just because it is excessive doesn’t necessarily mean it’s wrong.”

The issue is, what route did you use to get that excess?” he said.

His route was money that he earned, Dollar said.

When I want a nice car, I use my own money to get the nice car and not the money of the church,” Dollar said.

My lifestyle does not come out of the church’s bank account.”

This entire article was obtained from AJC

7 Responses to “Creflo Dollar releases his churches financial records!!!”

  1. Charles Butler said

    I am glad that the senator is forcing this gospel pimp to display the records of his tax records. Dollar is very controversial and some of us believe that he is a phony posing as a legite minister of God. He is nothing more than a hustler of money and he cares about nobody but himself. I am glad that there is someone out there that will hold this pimp’s feet to the fire.

  2. I thought this was America and as we all know politics and Religion DONT MIX dont be a HATER Mr. Mister Charles Butler. Try Gods word it may work for you also.

  3. Quon Clayton said

    While I don’t believe that Mr. Butler is a hater; I do believe that he has not read the passage of scripture that says “touch not my anoited”. The word of God in many ways explains that God intented for the people of God to prosper (financially). Has there be an investigation into the Great things that Pastor Dollar, Bishop Long, Joyce Meyers and the other people of God has done around the world? Proably not! Have any of the Senator and his friends gotten together to figure how there would be clean water donated to Africa? Bishop T.D. Jakes, Bishop Eddie Long and countless others have. Has there been anything done or said of how the President has many young men and women fighting a war that started as revenge for his Dad. The people of God that’s mentioned in this report has other gifts and talents that has allowed them to give not only to their chruch but in their communities and around the world. I think the Senator need to know while the devil is using him. These awesome people of God are praying for him.

  4. Caroline said

    Pastor Benny Hinn and the other ministers travel thousands of miles, away from their family just to minister the word of God around the world. Orphans are taking care off. And yes, the richest man that ever lived was Solomon and the Bible says no one will ever become as rich as he was. God’s word works and the heathen can stand to see these men of God make progress. Sorry to say, when Jesus was on earth, in spite of all His good to society and to the people, the religious leaders and kings had blinded eyes and failed to see His authority and missed out on what He had to offer. The same thing is now happening. I believe the senator has simply allow the devil to use him to stop the spread of the gospel in these end times. The gospel is free, but the means to deliver it is really expensive.

  5. Jeff said

    I agree that spreading the word of God around the world can be expensive – however, with regard to personal finances, I can’t help but get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach when I read about the materialistic and extraordinarily lavish lifestyle church leaders are allegedly living.

    Why don’t these churches become more open and transparent with all their income, what do they have to hide to the people who made the contributions??? We’re all human and as such we’re all capable of falling into the temptation of greed and deception – all the more reason to have accountability and transparency.

    I think it’s foolish to say that the devil is using the senator as it is say the devil has filled the church leaders’ hearts with the love of money, the root of all evil.

  6. Virtuouswmn said

    “Judge not, less ye be judged.” It is very dangerous to point fingers at others, not only before they have been found guilty of any wrong doing but even if and after they are. We are all human and have made mistakes and will continue to do so.

    The argument has been made by wealthy Men of God that the world does not criticize athletes and movie stars for spending lavishly on material things, why then should they criticize the Pastor? I can understand (but not be a part of)why people are often so judgemental of Pastors who spend tons of money on frivilous things. I am a Christian – born and raised in the church, fourth row 5 days a week. Therefore I know when I am opposing what the Word of God says.

    I would not judge anyone for the choices that they make, I would only go to the word – BIBLE. My bible says that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil, my BIBLE also says that we are in the world but not of the world. So I would say that any christian, beit the Pastor, the deacon or any member of the congregation must keep these passages of scripture in mind when living everyday life. Examine themselves and if it does not line up with what the word of God says – repent and sin no more. Lastly, I am not opposed to living well and being prosperous, the BIBLE also says that God came that We may have life and life more abundantly, but abundant life is NOT just fine cars and million dollar homes. Life is a healthy family, a strife-free home, birds singing in the trees. We as christians need to spend more time seeking his Face – not what is in his hand.

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