Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

Creflo Dollar responds to Senator’s Probe!!!

Posted by Media Outrage on November 13, 2007

Creflo Dollar

Pastor Creflo Dollar was on CBS News “The Early Show” and talked in-depth about the probing that was recently launched by Senator Charles Grassley, into the financial records of 6 Pastors of Mega-Churches.

Congress is looking into the collection boxes of some of the nation’s best-known televangelists.

Their tax-exempt ministries take in millions and now Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, is asking whether these churches really are non-profits.

Georgia megachurch pastor Creflo Dollar is one of the televangelists who was asked to provide financial information.

We don’t have any problems complying to a valid request,” Dollar told CBS News’ The Early Show co-anchor Julie Chen.

But he questioned whether it was appropriate for the Senate Finance Committee “to become a tax examiner and to get involved in the information of private, nonprofit organizations when the IRS has already been assigned that responsibility.

Asked about some specific assertions by Grassley, Dollar denied that two Rolls-Royces were purchased by the church for him and his wife.

That’s not true. First of all, we don’t have two Rolls-Royces,” he said. “And secondly, the one Rolls-Royce that was purchased was purchased by the donors, or the members of the church, and it was a surprise to me. I had no idea they were doing it.”

Dollar also responded to claims that he tried to raise $1 million from other ministries to give to fellow evangelists Kenneth and Gloria Copeland to celebrate their anniversary, and that his ministry gave over half a million dollars.

Also not true,” Dollar said. “We didn’t give Kenneth $500,000, and we didn’t take it from our church. We sent letters to different ministers around the country inviting them to share in honoring Kenneth Copeland’s 40th anniversary. It’s an opportunity for people to do what they believe, and unless we completely got rid of the First Amendment, that’s our opportunity to believe that we can sow into a man of God’s life, be a blessing to him and celebrate his 40 years of service in the ministry.”

Asked whether there are televangelists who abuse the faith of believers and misuse church funds, Dollar said, “There are some bad apples out there. But we’ve got to make sure that in our fear to try to locate those bad apples that we don’t put everybody in that same bucket and automatically assume because of that fear that everybody is the same.”

Others under scrutiny include Copeland, faith healer Benny Hinn and one of the nation’s best known female preachers, Joyce Meyer.

Grassley sent letters to a half-dozen Christian media ministries earlier this week requesting answers by Dec. 6 about their expenses, executive compensation and amenities, including use of fancy cars and private jets.

In a statement, Grassley said he was acting on complaints from the public and news coverage of the organizations.

The allegations involve governing boards that aren’t independent and allow generous salaries and housing allowances and amenities such as private jets and Rolls-Royces,” Grassley said.

I don’t want to conclude that there’s a problem, but I have an obligation to donors and the taxpayers to find out more. People who donated should have their money spent as intended and in adherence with the tax code.”

Those ministries that responded Tuesday either said they were cooperating or committed to financial transparency and following the law.

The investigation promises to shine new light on the kind of TV ministries that were crippled by sex and money scandals in the 1980s. Experts also say it stands out as an unusual case of the government probing the inner workings of religious organizations.

Most of those under investigation preach a variation of the “prosperity gospel,” the teaching that God will shower faithful followers with material riches.

This entire article was obtained from CBS News.

9 Responses to “Creflo Dollar responds to Senator’s Probe!!!”

  1. veronica parrerson said


  2. Jeffery Blue said

    Thanks for the opportunity to respond to this article. I agree with Crefloe. The IRS is the government’s designated entity, assigned the task of verifying and investigating money matters here in the US. In addition, If someone wants to buy him a car or anyone else a car for that matter, that is their business.

  3. Naomi Gonzalez said

    If these were “regular” life-coaches, authors, and modivators like Dr.Phil then it would be alright but since they mention “God” and “Jesus” is the message all of a sudden its a bad thing? Are christians suppose to be poor destitue beings? How can a ball player get paid millions even if he sits on the bench making no impact on society or people for that matter but a preacher whos been anoited to turn torn broken hearts and fill it with the love and God and show us how to apply God into our own lives in most cases saving us from despression and loneliness the preacher is considered “wrong” for being blessed financially. What do U think it means when God provides Ur needs? That U have a fridge that never empties?! Of course not, God is true to his word and when he said he will provide he does. These men and women have books, CD, speak to mass crowds when most of us cant even talk to a counselor. The world is full of haters and they hating on the kingdom of God cause we finally coming UP!!!!

  4. Carol said

    I find that those ministers who are milking those who are Christians will have to stand before God for their crimes.

    We are no longer under the law and are not required to give 10% of our salary to support the church.

    In the New Testament, we are requried to give a free-will offering.

    While these ministers are going out and spending excessive money on their lifestyles, there are so many in their organizations who can not make it even from pay check to pay check.

    This was not what Jesus meant for the church.

    By the way, jesus was a carpenter and Paul was a tent maker. In other words, they were not milking and getting blood from the people to get money.

    The disciples went from house to house with the gospel and they did not charge.

  5. bdflex said

    This is so funny. How do these members see justification in our preachers living like kings? Resideing in multimillion dollar homes, driving 100,000.00 cars. Why does one need make anything, let alone millions on what supposedly GOD himself led them to do. The reward through out the bible for the ones who would do his will is ever lasting life. There ones who lives prospered as a result of doing gods will, but they recieved blessings that that made thier work life, the things that they did to make a living, prosperous. No one was ever compensated for doing his will as if doing his wil was their job by wich they put food on the table. What ever happened to being MEEK and MODEST. I thought these were two of the more meaningful atributes that pertained to living your life like christ or in better terms being a christian. Where is the modesty or the practicality in owning several homes as well as multiple expensive cars, face lifts and giving or recieving super expesive gifts. God does not want us to live this way. To live like or to sustain this type of life style money becomes the focus, and wants that happens you have lost your way to god, that is to say god is no longer with you if indeed he ever was,

  6. Ken said

    As Christians we live our lives by the word of God. Unfortunately tradition & religion has watered down Gods word, and tried to place God within the box of what is humanly possible. The word of God is very clear in stating that God will bless those who love him, keeps is word, and give to him and his work. Alot of what people are calling waste, is actually the norm with God. If you look up every scripture based upon abunances, wealth, gold, riches, etc… you will see that the bible mentions those things, a lot more than a lot of things other people want to exalt. Yes the gospel is not all about money. However it does take money to reach the world, so money is a part of it. Knowone is going to give you a dome to house thousands of people. Unfortuately many people base there beliefs from the world, news reports like this, and people who call them selves Christians, but have no fruit in their lives. Tithing is a new testament principle, it has never went away. Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek 400 years before the law was in place. The levitcal priest received tithes of the people during the law. And Jesus confrims in the new testament: Matthew 23:23
    Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
    Jesus says we are to have judgement, mercy, and faith, and still pay our tithes. It never has gone away.
    Peoples giving is a heart test from God. Unfortuatley people serve money, when money should serve you. God wants you to give becasue when you give and trust him to give back to you, then he knows that he has your heart.
    I have experienced great poverty, sickness, despair, and heart ache. The word of God, that I have received from these ministers is the same word of God that has caused me to excel in business, get my marriage together, and overcome sickness, and now LIFE IS GREAT!!! For those miracles that are very evident in my life, and the life of countless of other people all across the world, I say drive what you want to drive, and live where you want to live. As long as you continue to heal the sick, help the poor, restore marriages, and save people from going to hell, I could care less. I would rather a person who is working for God to fly in a privat jet, than a bunch of people who could care less if I live or die…

  7. Valerie in Riverdale said

    I think you guys are missing the point. Many so called “ministers” are establishing churches and are using the church for money laundering and tax evasion. This probe has nothing to do with blessings from God. It has everything to do with “Obey the law of the land (Pay taxes).” Consequently, the letters demonstrate that theses “ministers” have abused the nonprofit (501(c)(3)/tax exemption benefit for their own personal gain. This is against the law (a crime).

    Finally, readers should understand that it is the Federal government’s business, not just the IRS, to probe any organization when it receives tax benefit/exemption status (i.e., churches) and/or participates in interstate commerce (i.e., sale of books/cd/dvd/services/lecturers etc). So, these “ministers” are subject to Federal review, not just by the IRS. . . but also, by . . .FBI .. . U S Attorney . . . Department of Justice . . . .Senate . . . . Congress. . . .FTC . . . . FCC . . . . etc

    Please understand this is a matter of money laundering and tax evasion.

  8. I am a Christian and for many years I attended a mega church in my city. I really loved that church and as my relationship with God grew I was led to teach 3rd grade Sunday school. In an effort to know more about God and share it with my students, I enrolled in a local Christian college. The curriculum I chose required it’s students to study each book of the Bible in great depth. We learned about the authors and cultures of the people in the Bible. It was the education that changed my life. I began to see things in my church that were clearly not intended or supported by the Bible. By the time I graduated, I had severed my membership with that church. I just cannot get past the idea of what 1 million dollars could do for people in need. What can Ken and Gloria Copeland do with a million dollars? Why put it with the other millions they have of course. Now don’t get me wrong, these people can preach and I believe that they know the word of God, but there is something on the inside of me that says its just wrong to be so wealthy when there are so many in great need. These ministers know the answer to the question, Am I my brothers keeper? Yes you are. We all are. So if they are doing what God has ordered, and they have nothing to hide, then crack the books and let’s take a look see. Oh, and may God be with you.

  9. Jimmy McMeans said

    Was’nt it Charlie Daniels who said” They want you to send God money but they give theit address”. These people will burn in hell. Thank God.

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