Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

Archive for February 20th, 2008

Crazy pastor riding on Obama

Posted by Media Outrage on February 20, 2008

We are convinced that this man is crazy. We feel for his congregation if he has one. This just looks like a cult if you really watch this video. Like if you want to be a preacher and people decide to listen to this comedy then so be it but all we’re saying is take your medicine before you turn the palm recorder on and start screaming. SMH at his 13 members just standing there. What kind of a Preacher/Pastor/Man of GOD/Christian says the following to his followers and sheep???

He is speaking about the word being in his mouth not in your hands….

“It’s not in your hands, it’s in my mouth, and I don’t have to compromise with not one of you NAPPY headed people.”

Speaking about black people’s disloyalty to Bill and Hillary Clinton…..(Is this guy serious?) And he supposedly has a PhD. We’d take advice from a blind wolf first.

“Well I’m not in favor of Bill Clinton, but if a man has done for you as much as Bill Clinton has and then for you to trash him makes you less than a maggot.”

There’s more!

Speaking about the first time he heard Obama’s name on the shirt of a heavy chested woman with an Obama shirt on….

“That’s the first time I saw it on two great big ole TITS.”

SMH there’s more…

Speaking about Obama not being %100 black….

“His African in heat father went a whoring after a trashy white woman, I didn’t trash him he was born trash.”

Posted in Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Funny Stuff, Hillary Clinton, must-reads, Pastor James David Manning, Video | Tagged: , , | 29 Comments »

Celebrity mansions;Oprah,Will Smith,Mariah Carey,Michael Jordan

Posted by Media Outrage on February 20, 2008


We have some shots of some of our favorite celebrity mansions. Then again when you have as much bank as these four people you can only expect these types of luxurious compounds. Mariah Carey, Will Smith, Oprah, and Michael Jordan’s homes. To check them out Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Celebrity Real Estate, Mariah Carey, Michael Jordan, Oprah, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith | Tagged: , | 19 Comments »

Rihanna shopping in LA

Posted by Media Outrage on February 20, 2008


Rihanna was spotted in LA doing a little shopping and she checked out an art gallery.


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Diddy, Cassie, Lauren London, and others attend Giant Magazine party

Posted by Media Outrage on February 20, 2008

Diddy Cheri Lauren

Diddy his jump-off Cassie, Lauren London, Cheri Dennis, Keisha Whitaker and others were at Plumm in NY last night for a party hosted by Giant Magazine. Keisha Whitaker needs to eat for real. She’s looking too skinny.

CassieCheri DennisLauren LondonModel NicKeisha Whitaker

To see more pics from this event Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Cassie, Diddy, Lauren London | Tagged: , , | 2 Comments »

Kim Kardashian is enough to make a dying priest say gotdizzzaaayuuum!!!

Posted by Media Outrage on February 20, 2008

Kim K

Kim Kardashian was in Beverly Hills shopping for one of the tapings of her show. It’s photos like these that make us ask….Can yall really blame Reggie for falling for her???

Kim KKim KKim K

Posted in Big Butts, Enuff to make a dying priest say Gotdaaaaayuuuuum!, Got Daaaaaaayuuuuum!, Kim Kardashian, Reggie Bush, Sexy Pictures! | Tagged: | 10 Comments »

Britney Spears talks slick about Beyonce

Posted by Media Outrage on February 20, 2008

Britney Spears

Britney Spears recently had some slick stuff to say about Beyonce’s performance at the Grammys…

“She sure knows how to toss her hair. Too bad she can’t dance as good as Tina — who’s old enough to be her grandmother!”

Britney just needs to fall back get her life together lay off the drugs, gangbangs, sextapes, and stay out of her kid’s lives.

Posted in Britney Spears | Tagged: | 3 Comments »

New York is back for a 3rd season

Posted by Media Outrage on February 20, 2008

I Love New York and Tailor Made

New York is back for a third season but this time with a twist.

Via Gatecrasher:

Tiffany (New York) Pollard will be back with a third season of her VH1 reality show, this time sharing the bill with her ne’er-do-well boyfriend George (Tailor Made) Weisgerber.

“The season is going to be called ‘New York Loves Hollywood’ and will follow her attempt to become an actress in Los Angeles,” says an insider.

“They are currently trying to cast established industry people in Hollywood to be on the show with her.”

Fingers are crossed for a hot-tub scene with her and Harvey Weinstein.

Mediaoutrage-That’s whats up, it’s good to see her monetize that crazy ghetto image of hers.

Posted in New York, Tiffany Pollard | Tagged: | Leave a Comment »

Obama A-Town stomps on Hillary’s head

Posted by Media Outrage on February 20, 2008

Barack Obama

Barack Obama won Wisconsin and Hawaii last night to make it an even 10 consecutive ass whippings victories. We know this thing is far from over but right now he’s giving her a good ole fashioned Bishop Weeks Stomp.

Via AP:

Barack Obama added Wisconsin and Hawaii to a primary season winning streak that now totals 10 and has put Hillary Rodham Clinton into a virtual must-win scenario in Democratic contests coming early next month in Texas and Ohio.

The former first lady now looks to a debate Thursday in Austin, Texas, to stall Obama’s momentum and reinvigorate her campaign.

“The change we seek is still months and miles away,” Obama told a boisterous crowd in Houston in a speech Tuesday night in which he also pledged to end the war in Iraq in his first year in office.

“I opposed this war in 2002. I will bring this war to an end in 2009. It is time to bring our troops home,” he declared.

Posted in Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Politics | Tagged: | Leave a Comment »