Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

Prettiest Smile Of The Day

Posted by Media Outrage on November 24, 2008


Her career might suck more ballz than a first date with Superhead but Christina Milian’s still something wonderful to stare at. Look at that smile! It’s so white it looks like she poured bleach on them thangs. But she definitely qualifies for Mediaoutrage’s Prettiest Smile of The Day.


To see some pics of Christina’s Halloween costume


19 Responses to “Prettiest Smile Of The Day”

  1. The things I’d do to this girl would make Prince and Rick James look like Catholic school teachers……

    I’d flip that ass like Bisquick pancakes on Sunday Morning…(the ones big mama used to make before church)

  2. Miss E said

    I think this chic has potential to hit the top of the charts…but I bet if she was:
    married to the greatest rapper alive, her daddy was Matthew Knowles and her manager, owned a million dollars worth of weave, she was the cover model for 20 different magazine covers at once, and have an opportunity to appear in movies despite your lack of acting skills…

  3. Random said

    She’s absolutely her!

  4. Cyndy said

    lol @ Miss E. yall got me rolling this morning whew!

    She has an adorable white smile.

  5. Thanks for telling the truth Miss E!

  6. ucanb2 said

    She is a very pretty girl, she just needs a good manager/dad!! LOL

  7. Miss E said

    @ ucanb2 – I still listen to that Dip it low song she did a long time ago..some of the songs on her myspace page are alright! She just needs to get radio play for these songs and a video to promote it!

  8. she needs a good manager and sextape…id be more than happy to produce, star, and direct it!

  9. Jim Ringgold said

    I love her

  10. Lai'Lani said

    LOL! @ DT.

  11. Atlanta said

    She is pretty and she does have potential. What happened to her career?

  12. Cut Up said

    I definitely agree with that M.O.

    I hope she has a potty mouth on her cause she looks to innocent to get nasty with. However, lol….You already know.

  13. Yasmine T. said

    yep you would cut it up lol

  14. Cut Up said

    @ Yasmine T. “Already”

  15. Miss E said

    @ Atlanta – she signed up with myspacerecords recently ..she actually is out trying to promote her latest song “Us against the world.” I went on her myspace page and she has a couple of videos, these videos show her running around at photo shoots, radio stations, etc.

  16. […] restaurant in West Hollywood last week. It’s always a delight to lay eyes on this certified cutie-pie, although it would be even nicer to see her land a job or […]

  17. Marathon_Man said

    Her smile is beeeeauuutiful. But i got a way to get it even whiter Christina lol.

  18. […] Milian who has the cutie pie swag on lock really enjoyed herself at the Fred Segal store in Park City Utah last week. Even if her […]

  19. itsurboi said

    has nick cannon hung hisself yet for allowing the sexy natural beauty in the biz slip away?

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