Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

Read The Texts Messages Shaq Was Sending Mistress

Posted by Media Outrage on April 1, 2010

We all know Shaq was getting it in with plenty of broads – well now you get the opportunity to read a few text messages he sent to Vanessa Lopez while married to Shaunie.  Pop the top…

Via Radaronline:

Before Jesse James, before Tiger Woods, basketball great Shaquille O’Neal was womanizing his way through a few mistresses of his own. has exclusively obtained some of the text messages that Shaq sent to his longest running affair, Vanessa Lopez. A source close to Lopez told exclusively that O’Neal’s wife, Shaunie, hired a private investigator to find the correspondence and after reading it she decided to to file for divorce.

The texts messages, dated between Sept. 4 and Sept. 9 of 2009, were received on Lopez’s iPhone. One of them dated Sept. 4 at 12:45am reads:

Lopez: “I have always been good to you. I am a very private person. I never spoke about us to anyone. Ever! Don’t deserve that from you. I am not wining. I just miss you so settle down.”

Shaq: “Well just say that then I’m a c u tomorrow.”

Another text, dated Sept. 6 at 12:28am reads:

Lopez: “I hope you had a wonderful day! I wish you were here papi ;)”

Shaq: “Tomorro”

Lopez: “I will make sure I put on something very sexy for you ;)”

And another, dated Sept. 7 at 12:01am reads:

Shaq: “Hey baby I’m still wit da babies. I’m sorry I’m a c u when I get bak”

Lopez: “I think you are such an amazing person inside and out. I truly wish you the best in life. No one deserves it more than you.”

Shaq: “Thanks baby I will make it up to u”

O’Neal has also been romatically linked to Swedish model Dominica Westling. A source familiar with the situation told exclusively that the couple started their affair nearly two years ago and not only exchanges steamy emails but also have cybersex using a Web camera. Westling’s rep told that she refuses to come forward because she “loves” O’Neal.

Mediaoutrage– Alright then

29 Responses to “Read The Texts Messages Shaq Was Sending Mistress”

  1. Sumarrain said

    Kobe Bryant did say that Shaq treat and pays his side whores very well.

  2. Yeah I Said It said

    I’ma need for Sprint,T Mobile, AT&T to put spell check on texting for the mentally disabled!

    Just a joke for all you overly sensitive readers. (It was met for Shaq)

    • Cut Up said

      “Middle Finger U” for all you overly sensitive readers! I don’t care bout your feelings.

      “You got heart, fight me. I dearly depart wifey” -Cam’Ron

      • Yeah I Said It said

        LOL!!! Ms Behave can you make a middle finger?

      • Mrs. Miller said

        Here it is girl, with some accompanying words 😆

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      • Yeah I Said It said


      • Mrs. Miller said


        P.S. The above illustration was done based on REQUEST and not any PERSONAL vendetta, so don’t come at me with your sensitve asses lololol.

        Thank You!

      • MaliaMalia LOVES MO said

        lol @ Mrs.behave/Miller/ 2020VIZN♥

      • Mrs. 2020VIZN♥ said

        shhhhhhhhhhhh… they don’t know who i be lolol.

        2020 can’t know that i had a ‘moment of weakness’, so hush, not another word missy! 😐

      • MaliaMalia LOVES MO said

        OHHH damn it!!! me and my big mouth (keyboard) lol

    • Mrs. Miller said

      hahaha 🙂

      • Cut Up said

        You can come at me!! I feel froggy. I’ll entertain you “sensitive assholes today”

        This is a “One Day Sale” You only get one opportunity. I already ran 5 miles, I am pumped up.

        Who want some of The “Cut Master” ?

    • emliy said


  3. Dominikingz said

    Good looking groupie there Shaq. At least you cheated on your wife with a dime and not them illy McGrilly chicks that Tiger was messing with.

  4. Aniyaqt said

    Her eyebrows are mess & he shoulda stayed w/Shaunie

    LMAO @ “beautiful inside & out”…c’mon this is Shaq we talking bout’!!!!! …and he probably believes it 2

  5. Aniyaqt said

    oops *”a” mess*

  6. Teena Thomas said

    This big over grown fool… Don’t nobody want to be with Shaq they want that big over grown wallet and that over grown CREDIT LIMIT!!!!

    He gonna get taken to the cleaners… GO SHAUNIE!!! GET HALF BOO. GET YOURS….

  7. verbalism7 said

    What, is this chick asleep at the wheel? An amazing person wouldn’t have cheated on his wife.

  8. Satui said

    ok I’m sorry but I’m so distracted by this lopez girl…who in fuck texts in complete sentences anymore?

  9. MissTX said


  10. ucanb2 said

    So stupid!

  11. Cut Up said

    We don’t entertain Lames!! Calling someone something when you have no clue if it is the truth or not applies as well killa!!

  12. Terrance said

    Can someone pleeeze tell me how in the hell do these guys keep getting caught with incriminating txt messages. They’re millionaires they should have multiple phones, none traceable back to them. I know dudes with phones in their grandma and auntie’s names so the bill never comes to the crib.

  13. Sapphire Storm said

    & LMBAO @ all the above comments! This is why I come here 😆

  14. BadBadKitty0727 said

    WHY Mexican chicks be tweezin’ the hell outta they eyebrows?
    Thank God she don’t have the black lipliner.

    And, word to all these dumb MF men who wanna cheat – STOP TEXTING. Whatever happened to phone CONVERSATIONS?! Damn!

    • Mrs. 2020VIZN♥ said

      Kitty, they’re taping those too lol, i would suggest face-to face, but paps are everywhere, i guess only thing to do is STOP CHEATING! 😆

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