Media Outrage

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Minister punches woman!!!!! Church Fight!!!!

Posted by Media Outrage on October 22, 2007

It’s Monday morning and some of you need a laugh well here it is so ashame but so funny!!!

12 Responses to “Minister punches woman!!!!! Church Fight!!!!”

  1. Fast Eddie said

    So you wanna get rid of me do ya?? Well ya gotta try harder than that bitch! GANGSTA! Tis okay though, God loves all.

  2. sheryar690 said


  3. Pastor Joshua said

    well the Canaanite woman hit him first

  4. Ben said

    “She hit him first!” “Let her go!”

    Oh dear, that was sinfully funny…old people getting into fisticuffs always makes me giggle.

  5. Mama said

    That’s what happens when church becomes a business and a beaurocracry. The guy’s a lousy pastor, a lousy administrator, a lousy leader and his concern is for himself and appointments over the benefit of “his” flock. He is one of the people Jesus called White-washed sepulchres.

  6. gooseloose said

    Now,Mama, we really don’t know how lousy a minister this man is. Only one side is heard. What we do know is that she passed the first lick. Smack-um.

  7. Patrick D. Jones said

    This is why you shouldn’t let these ministers get so out of hand. We allow them so much power, then they turn on us. Private jets, church homes, church cars, business men, ect… when they should be kingdom building. I lost my church home due to similar situation. I wonder where the church would be , if we had not lost focus of Gods plan. Poor leadership will be the ruin of all mega ministies. I’m in prayer that a self examination be taken. God bless!!!!

  8. Bootsie said

    He was s’pose to “turn the other cheek” first! Then……once he runs out of cheeks……KAPOW! lol!

  9. prophet tony g. said

    its really a shame before heaven that situation such as this has taken place..what the both of theese people dont realize is that the devil got one of the biggest laughs he has every had in his kingdom of darkness..the bible says yes be angry but sin not..what kind of example is this pastor setting for lost souls ..what kinda examples would the lady involved is setting for the body of christ and young is not excactly a proverbs 31 a prophet of the living God ..he has spoken to me that judgement is coming upon that church in the next 10 days..if repentance doesnt take place..becuse if any memebers of the church which the site says left the church was not born again at the time and decided to go back to the world and some God forsaken thing should take their life from this world..God is saying that thier judgement shall be the same for that pastor and that lady…saith the spirit of grace

  10. Truly23 said

    Was this a church meeting or something and why was someone
    filming this???

  11. tyree said


  12. LowRidaz said

    that shit was funny!!!!!! they both were wrong to me, she shouldnt of put her hands up first, she was wrong! and he was also, he should of walked away, but he didnt, lol that goes to show, not everyone will walk away!!!! LMAOOOO

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