Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

LOL while SMH

Posted by Media Outrage on September 23, 2008

LOL. There’s no reason for this.

17 Responses to “LOL while SMH”

  1. Yea I Said It said

    The mind is a terrible thing to waste!

  2. Lai'Lani said

    lol this is too funny

  3. w2m said

    DUH, DUH, DUH, DUH!!! Dang what in the world.

  4. terrance said

    Wow sista you were definitely out to lunch. Is there some type of preliminary game to make it on the show? If so how in the wet hell did she make it through to the main show???

  5. w2m said

    LMBO & SMDH@Terrance…wet hell??? You a mess, lol.

  6. lio said

    LMAO…..this is to much….LOLOL!!! Stupid ass

  7. beach chick said

    Did she say give me a F…WTF?


  8. sweet_tea said

    I’ma have to sue somebody @ MO for splitting my side with the crazy sh*t ya’ll find & the even funnier readers who post. Wet hell? That will make me laugh ALL day TOMORROW ’cause I will die if I roll any harder tonight. Poor thang probably had her ebonics wrong & thought it was settin’ IN beach chairs, ya’ll know how we do… But that still doesn’t explain that F…SMH while ROTFLMFAO…

  9. joneblaze said

    Im going to be nice and say her nerves got the best of her

  10. Media Outrage said

    LOL @ the comments

    “Did she say give me a F…WTF?

    Lawd!” Beach Chick our sentiments exactly LOL!

  11. Udamnright said

    lol her husband probably pistol whipped that ass when she got home

  12. Sweetthang said

    whatever Joneblaze, nerves schmerves, she just stupid

  13. Sweetthang said

    LOL @ udamnright! funny

  14. Udamnright said

    4real soon as she probably walked in the door he was shaking his head and greeted her like “I always knew you was DUMB AS HELL now get ya ass upstairs and don’t even try and dial 911, cause im bout to go Blair Underwood in Madea’s Family Reunion on that ass”

  15. Yasmine T. said

    lmao!! @ Udamnright she was tripping talking bout give me an F lmao im screamin

  16. 2020VIZN said

    @ Udamnright: She never made it home, the people in the audiance whooped her ass as soon as she left the set. Did you hear how they was cussing her out when she said that she was gonna spin again. And the she said gimme a “F”!!!!! In the words of Fred Sanford, “F” stands for “foot In your ass” YOU BIG DUMMY!!!!!!!

  17. Media Outrage said

    LOL @ 2020

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