Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

On Set

Posted by Media Outrage on November 30, 2008


Halle Berry was spotted on the Vancouver set of “Frankie and Alice” on Thanksgiving. “Frankie and Alice” is a film in which Halle plays a woman who suffers from multiple personality disorder. Yep Halle is definitely stretching her acting abilities. Then again, as we have said before all she really has to do is tap into that inner crazy that she possesses. If we didn’t already know better,from looking at the photos, we’d have assumed she was on set filming the Whitney Houston story.


3 Responses to “On Set”

  1. Atlanta said

    MO….yall niccas are crazy…lol…Whitney Houston has never had that much weight on her…even before the crack.

  2. Jennifer said

    lol @ “If we didn’t already know better,from looking at the photos, we’d have assumed she was on set filming the Whitney Houston story.”

    halle is such an excellent actress! Now MO ask that question again about whether Kerry Washington is a better actress than Halle Berry. There is no comparison. Halle’s depth is too deep for the rest of these actresses lol.

  3. du66s said

    it must be cold as shit in Vancouver because halle nose is as red as rudolph

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