Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

2 Dead After Shooting At Toys R Us

Posted by Media Outrage on November 30, 2008


You just have to wonder what the F*ck is going on now a days when you can’t even shop safely on Black Friday without 2 men pulling gats out in a toy store and bustin’ caps at one another. 2 men are dead after a brawl broke out in a California Toys R Us.


PALM DESERT, Calif. – Two men pulled guns and shot each other to death in a crowded toy store Friday after the women with them erupted into a bloody brawl, witnesses said. Scared shoppers fled but no one else was hurt.

The violence erupted on Black Friday, the traditional post-Thanksgiving start of the holiday shopping surge, but authorities indicated the shooting wasn’t related to a shopping frenzy.

Riverside County sheriff’s Sgt. Dennis Gutierrez said the fight was not over a toy. He said handguns were found by the men’s bodies, but he released little other information. He would not answer a question about whether the shooting was gang-related. 

Witnesses Scott and Joan Barrick said they were checking out of the store when the fight began between two women, each with a man. The women were near the checkout area, but the Barricks did not think the women had purchases.

‘I didn’t want to die today’
One woman suddenly started punching the other woman, who fought back as blood flowed from her nose, Scott Barrick, 41, said.

The man who was with the woman being punched pulled a gun halfway out of his pocket, then shoved it back in, he said.

“He pulled his gun right next to me. I turned to look for my wife, and she was already hiding,” Barrick said.

“I was scared,” said Joan Barrick, 40. “I didn’t want to die today. I really didn’t want to die today, and I think that’s what we were all thinking.”

The other man pulled a gun and pointed it at the first man but forgot to cock it, Scott Barrick said. The first man tried to run but was blocked by the line of people, then ran back toward the store’s electronics section as the other man fired his gun, he said.

The first man reached a dead-end in electronics, turned around and ran toward an exit, pulling his gun and firing back, he said.

“He went up to the cash register, he went to put his hand on the thing and he just went phoomp,” he said, indicating the man fell.

He said he did not see what happened to the other man.

Palm Desert Councilman Jim Ferguson said police told him two men with handguns shot and killed each other.

“I think the obvious question everyone has is who takes loaded weapons into a Toys “R” Us?” he said. “I doubt it was the casual holiday shopper.”

Ray Turner, 20, said he was two aisles away when two women began shouting and screaming at each other and he had a clear view of the fight until a crowd clustered around them. Both women had children, he said.

“We thought it was just a fight and then someone yelled, ‘He’s got a gun. He’s got a gun.’ You really couldn’t see nothing because there was a crowd,” Turner said.

‘We got lucky’
Rafael Gomez, 11, said he and his father had been in the store about 20 minutes before the shooting but were in a nearby Pizza Hut when they saw people pouring out of the store screaming.

“We just saw them running and crying. I was kind of scared,” Rafael said. “We got lucky.”

Toys “R” Us issued a statement expressing outrage over the violence.

“We are working closely with local law enforcement officials to determine the specific details of what occurred,” the statement said. “Our understanding is that this act seems to have been the result of a personal dispute between the individuals involved. Therefore, it would be inaccurate to associate the events of today with Black Friday.”

The Barricks and others remained at the scene long after the shooting because investigators would not allow cars to be taken from the parking lot until a crime-scene reconstruction was completed.

Palm Desert is a resort town about 120 miles east of Los Angeles.

Mediaoutrage– That’s really ashame. Tragic when you can’t even shop without seeing two cats smoke each other. People just don’t think these days. Letting off infront of children? SMH. 

18 Responses to “2 Dead After Shooting At Toys R Us”

  1. Atlanta said

    This is a sad story. I am sure it was gang related if both of these fools had guns in a toy store. WHO DOES THAT?

  2. Smurfette said

    I guess they said, ” I don’t give a f*ck who out there! Kids, old folk, I don’t give a f*ck!”

    -Ol Dog in Menace


  3. Udamnright said

    This is messed up. People have no sense whatsoever.

    @ Smurfette…

    “Yo I ain’t killing no old people…

    who the f*ck gone be old out there tonight? I just don’t care i’ll smoke anybody! i just don’t give a f*ck!”

  4. Smurfette said

    Lmao@ Udamnright! Yea, that was caine scary azz! I aint killin no old folk! Lol

  5. 2020VIZN said

    Yo Cain….Dog, go over there and kill them niggas so we can stabb out…..yall niggas hurry up, um o be chillin right here.

  6. Udamnright said

    “Now listen these niggas smoked yo cuzin, blew his head off right in front of yo face? And you aint gone do shit? F*ck dat I’ll smoke anybody I just don’t give a F*ck!”

    cain- “yo I just ain’t killing no kids.”

    MC Eight- “yo both yall n*ggas sounding like some real bitches right now.”

  7. 2020VIZN said

    Give me back my mutherfucking joint!!

  8. 2020VIZN said

    Hey nigga, when we get out here dont be acting like no mutherfuckin bitch neither!!

  9. Smurfette said

    “My moms made a pot of chitterlins at the house!”

    “Lets rush them chitterlins!!”


  10. 1coolazzchic said

    Is it that mf serious to get the lil kids the toys that they will have broken or lost by new years?

  11. beach chick said

    SMDH…that’s exactly why I shop online. All I have to worry about is spam and viruses!

  12. beach chick said

    Oh yeah and identity theft…but it sure beats a bullet!

  13. cupcakestl said

    Hell NO!! LOL Yall crazy as hell. That was good.

    But the I sick to be that mad over some bull shit toys.

    That is why i simply don’t believe in all that spending your money on Christmas shit and selling

    your soul to the devil for one day.

    I by three gifts for my children and teach them love. We pull names in the family and that it.

  14. Cyndy said

    This is so tragic and senseless. why are you carrying firearms to Toys R Us?

  15. Yea I Said It said

    Ok when it was over I would have marched back into Toys R Us and demanded $6000.oo worth of toys, and electronics, for my kids. Since I am in shock. And I would have demanded five years of gift certificates for shopping… that takes care of the next five years.

    On the real no matter where you go, you never know who has a gun in their purse,backside car. I am proud to say I carry a gun in my car. I pray I don’t have to use it ever, but I wont hesitant if I find myself in a situation.

  16. That is crazy!!!! Of all places Toys R Us??? That sounds like some Wal- Mart shit!!! I bet it was over some dumb stuff…It’s sad when people died over dumb stuff…

  17. Cut Up said

    lol @ Yea I Said It! I would’ve done the same shit.

    That is some negro s&&t for yo ass!

  18. ucanb2 said

    That is ridiculous that gives a whole new meaning to BLACK FRIDAY!!! SMH

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