Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

Michael Jordan’s Sister Accuses Father of Rape

Posted by Media Outrage on February 11, 2009


Michael Jordan’s older sister Deloris has written a book in which she accuses her father James Jordan of raping her. She pens all of this in her memoir “In my Family’s Shadow.”

Via Livesteez:

Ending eight years after it first began and five years after losing my virginity to my father, it scares me to think how much longer the abuse would have went on had I not spit out the dreadful truth to my mother during one of our many heated disagreements. Disagreements that were sometimes anything but pleasant and often featured no indication of love between the two of us.

So as she ranted and raved about how no slutty daughter of hers better get pregnant and bring any bastard children into her house. I finally heard myself saying: “If I am so much of a slut, why don’t you keep your husband out of my bed?”

When I finally found the courage to let my father’s deeds tumble from my lips, I did not know what to expect, but I never in a million years would have guessed that my mother would turn on me. Her words of betrayals did far more damage to me than my father’s deeds. They spoke volumes to the fact that she really did not care about me, which my father obviously knew. It is because she was so expressive with her dislike for me that probably made my father know he could get away with violating me.

My father confessed his actions on the same day that I disclosed them to my mother. And on that frightful day of admission, I watched my mother, looking for a sign, any sign that she cared about me.

The memory of my father whispering in my ear during the wee hours of the night about the beauty of my body has played over and over in my head for many years. And as if that has not been incapacitating enough by itself, having to comprehend the fact that more often than not, he had just gotten out of the bed he shared with my mother to find his way to my bedroom has just added to the realization of the painful situation.

Mediaoutrage– We have no words….*Blank Stare*

45 Responses to “Michael Jordan’s Sister Accuses Father of Rape”

  1. Why would you bring this up years after his death? Why would you tell the world of these horrible actions instead of getting the proper counseling she so desperately needs?

    Is money that important to disrespect your life and privacy of others for this sick and sad story? ….I think its a bullshit myself

  2. Yea I Said It said

    This is wrong on so many levels…. Why would you give your depression for the world to see, and not someone professional that can help you begin the healing process?

    What do you stand to gain by allowing the world into your private affairs? The man is dead, however I understand she also blames her mother for turning her back.Why not confront her with a mediator and settle it that way if she had to?

    I feel for her and the dark space she is in. I just disagree with the arena she is using.

  3. Miss E said

    @ is a severe economic depression that has hit everyone (except the crooked CEO’s on Wall Street and the banks who stole the tax man’s money) therefore we should make up a wack story too and see if we can reap the profits….Luther Vandross’s mama hit me with her Benz back in 1996 and kept driving (just joking)can I write a book about it!

    My point is..does anyone really care about this ish esp. since Mike’s dad was not even really famous..she is obviously looking for some sympathy to heal her wounds from the past by writing about her assault.

  4. Jolie said

    I feel bad for her, but at the same time I’m wondering if it was necessary for her to publicly write about it. He has been dead for many years and now his family & friends will view him in a different light. Whatever memory they have of him will be tarnished. I feel bad for her.

  5. 2thick4u said

    Let me give you guys some insight. Her book was written in 2001. Many sites have begun to write excerpts from her book.

    Her book is very powerful and when someone finally came talk about being abused and forgive that person…they have healed themselves from the pain and hurt.

    This is very sad but the truth is that is happens everyday to someone in the world.
    I am glad that I never had to endure this pain.

  6. Random said

    I’m with everyone else on this…Why not seek help while this was happening…Why write a book about it…I mean, if it was that painful the last thing you’d want to do is bring back those painful memories by writing about it..just seems fishy to she’s trying to get something out of it..but hey..I wasn’t there to know exactly what went on..

  7. CrystalShine said

    If its tru, why talk about it now. She should have gotten help, and settle things with her mom.

    Noone deserves 2 get raped, especially by someone u know and love.

    I wonder where Jordan was during this incident, could’ve been at practice. Her brother turned out just fine, so Im not gonna jump conclusions until I get more facts!

  8. This is so sick. Maybe she was disliked amongst her family….Mike might of been the favorite,because of his talents,so she got ignored by her mother for that…..Hermother had no right to ignore her like that, what mother in her right mind would let their daughter be raped by their husband,and let him stay in the house?

  9. misstx85 said

    Man I know times are hard, but damn!! Still though, if it’s true, sorry to hear that. But like everyone else why write a book about it? It’s not like she put this out for empowerment reasons. Also, if what she’s saying about her mom is true, where that heifer at so I can kick her ass?

  10. vjbstelo said

    OK brain surgeons writing is a form of therapy.This could easily be her way of getting over this and who is to say she hasn’t had therapy.He was wrong dead or alive and a mother is suppose to protect her child!

  11. Marathon_Man said

    Damn that is some crazy stuff right there. I don’t know what to think. But i do know that Jordan is probably on the phone with the prison system trying to pay the DC SNIPER’S immediate release. Can we say bullet in the throat and hand?

  12. ucanb2 said

    OMG hope that it isn’t true.

  13. Rocky said

    I am DISGUSTED by the comments I’ve seen. You people are hateful and IGNORANT!!! This man was a MONSTER. Yet you blame his daughter, his victim. Why should she honor his memory and allow his poison to stay bottled up in her. What her parents did to her is unconscionable- look it up, most of you are probably too stupid to know what it means. Actually, don’t even strain your brains, just go back to worshipping Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, R. Kelly and now Chris Brown. But don’t forget to have a good excuse ready for when God asks you why did you dog one of his innocent children(remember she was a CHILD when this happened). I hope you have more compassion for your own family members, but it’s doubtful.

    • Johnny Deas said

      Rather black, brown, or white any man no matter how famous his child maybe has no right to make sexual advances with his daughter. The fact that his son may be the best basketball player on the planet does not give his father the right to sexually abuse his daughter. If you think this kind of stuff doesn’t go on in families today then it’s time for you to wake up. The Jordan name may be well known because of the son but that will never be enough to forgive James Jordan for abusing his daughter. She has the absolute right to vent the abuse she endured by this shallow man and I commend her for being brave enough to speak out. Maybe it will encourage other people to speak out against this type of incest.

  14. Maybe writing this book was a way for her to heal. I can understand that. Different people use different thing to held them heal from something traumatic(i.e blogging). Shoot,I would be dead right now if it wasn’t for my blog. Maybe this is her was of seeking attention, the attention that she didn’t get from her mother. This book could help other people going through the same thing heal.Maybe it’s not for the fame,or the money, maybe she just wants to make her voice known. You can tell by this excert that no one in her household listened to her…she needs someone to listen to her….

  15. @Rocky…you forgot to mention Ray J….

  16. 2020VIZN said

    @ Rocky: No need to be disgusted, you just have to know what you are dealing with. Most of the people that post here are pretty fair when it comes to someone accusing another person of something this serious. There have been too many incidents when people have lied or blown things out of proportion. This man is not alive to defend himself so how can we be 100% sure this man is a monster, as you put it. The person making the accusations could be the monster. I dont hang my hat on anything that comes out of anyones mouth. I just thing that most people on this board are questioning the timing of the whole thing.

    I didnt even like the movie the Temptations because the only perdon stil living was Otis Williams. Otis Made him and Melvin Fraanklin (his best friend) look like saints when anybody who is familia with the Temptations durin that era knows that Otis had just as many problems as everyone else. I just think the people here are supporters of Due Process. If you died and people said bad and nasty things about you, I hope it makes you happy that you would be given the benifit of the doubt n this board.

    Good Evening!!!!!!!

  17. 2020VIZN said

    Damn I was typing too damn fast!!!

  18. Smurfette said

    Well I can understand why she wrote this. Writing is definatly a form of therapy! When I am upset about my life, I write in my spoken word journal and then my world is okay. I even sometimes perform spoken word at open mic. Not because I wanna put my business in the street but I think, maybe if I can tell the world what I have been through and im still here, it can touch someone else to make it through their problems.

    Im glad she wrote about her pain. It is very theraputic and it gives victims a voice. Some other woman reading her book, who maybe was gonna give up on life because she went through somethin similar, may be encouraged to go on. Knowing someone else out there understands what she herself went through.

    If his friends now despise him for abusing his own daughter, then so be it. This fucker should not have been such an asshole if he wanted ppl to see him in a good light. I commend her for telling her story. Maybe one day I will tell mine.

    I on the other hand feel soooo fortunate that I have the best dad in the world. Stories like this make me love him even more! He is my best friend and always took great care of me and my brothers and is still wit my mom after 39 years of marriage! I love you dad!!

  19. BroadStreetBully said

    damn he’s not alive to defend himself to these charges. writing is therapuetic but writing books is financially relieving.

  20. I know my daughter will write a book about me. It will probably be about me whipping teenage boys asses and pimp smacking anyone in my household that back talks but It will be a best seller. She also may be traumatized from hearing her mother scream each night from all the dick beatings. All I know is she better get my royalties checks in the correct amount.

  21. Yea I Said It said

    @ Smurf.. Good look, I keep saying I want to go to a poetry night where there is spoken word?

    @ 2020 Thank you for post #16.

  22. 2020VIZN said

    There she is, what’s up Yea?

  23. Smurfette said

    @ Yea, They used to have a lot of spoken word open mic all over ATL and Columbus when I lived in GA, but I aint been home in a while. So im tryin to find a spot in NYC now since I live up this way! I will post if I find out about the next one. What part of the country u in?

  24. @ Smurfette….Go to the village in NYC there are plenty of spots, or just go to SOHO.

  25. Yea I Said It said

    @ Smurf… I am in the best city this country has to offer.I my dear am in Chicago… and some other places, but mostly Chicago.

    @ 2020 What’s up with you babe. 🙂

  26. 2020VIZN said

    Just trying to maintain in this Dirty Game…….Life that is? what about you???

    Is V-103 still spinnin them dudties like a mugg??
    103 be Jammin!!! gotdayum

  27. Ms d said

    Why are some of you so quick to condemn MJ sister for finally writing and telling the truth. Yes, her father is dead. And yes she probably has had counseling, but the best deliverance is to talk about it. I know the pain this sister has endured, because it happened to me. My mother allowed her live in lover to molest me and I told her about it and she allowed him to come back to the house if nothing had happened. For years, during my childhood I felt like she hated me. After years of a bad marriage and counseling, I was still fighting that demon of shame and fear. Because of the fear, I was afraid to talk aBOUT it, although THIS MAN who violated meIS NOW DEAD. I finally was delivered WITH THE HELP OF God. I WAS ABLE TO TALK ABOUT IT AND I also FOUND OUT THAT SO MANY OTHER women my age LIVED IN HOMES WHERE THeir MOTHERS ALLOWED THEIR FATHERS,uncles or boyfriends TO RAPE AND MOLEST THEM. THe mothers go along with these KIND OF ORDEALs FOR THE SAKE OF HAVING A MAN OR FOR THE SAKE OF FEAR. In most cases, the mother MAYBE IN DENIAL. In most cases THE MOTHERS begin TO DISLIKE THEIR DAUGHTERS BECAUSE THEY CONSTANLTY REMIND THEM OF THE VIOLATION and the fact they did nothing about it. So please DON’T SAY IT DID NOT HAPPEN BECAUSE ITS MJ sister, THIS SORT OF THING WAS THE NORM IN A LOT OF FAMILIES DURING THE EARLY YEARS, AND ITS MY UNDERSTANDING FROM TALKING TO SOME CLERGY THAT THIS SORT OF THING IS STILL GOING ON. MY SUGGESTION TO MOTHERS TODAY IS.. BE VERY CAREFUL WHO YOU BRING IN YOUR HOME AROUND YOUR DAUGHTERS. NO MAN IS Exemp, NOT EVEN A CHILD’S OWN FATHER. So I commend MJ sister for finally coming forward with the truth. Maybe just maybe she will finally have some peace in her life and just maybe she will finally receive that deliverance that she deserves. As for her mother…May God have mercy on her…. As for her deceased father. what so ever a many sow he shall reap.

  28. PEACE said

    Before she wrote this book, she sold her story to the Globe Magazine. Yeah, that trashy magazine. I don’t know if this is true or not, none of us do. But this book is about nothing but money.

  29. Smurfette said

    @ DT, im goin to have to check out the Village then! Good lookin.

    @Yea, I never been to Chicago, but I know if we googled it, it would be a lot of spots out your way! Sorry I couldn’t help ya there.

    @ Ms D, im sorry that happened to you. I know that kind of stuff goes on every day all over America, and I encourage anyone to tell someone if this shit happens to you. I teach my daughter to tell if anyone ever touches her. I told her, even if its ME, u tell! Thank God she is almost 15 and never been molested. Mostly because I never have company if she is home. I never let a man spend the night wit me unless my daughter is at a friends house. The guy im seeing now has met my daughter once and it took me dating his ass two years for that to happen. I have a badddddd temper and I know if a man ever touched my kid, im going to prison for murder. So, I guess me keepin her safe is just as much about my daughter well being as it is about me stayin out of prison. I was molested as a kid, but I always told and it never happened again, because my parents took the steps to protect me. It makes me sad more young ladies and men don’t have the support system that will allow them to tell and be protected. Sometimes you gotta protect yo own ass. So many predators out here. But if they get atmine, its lights out. Fo sho

  30. Lio said

    This is so wrong, the world doesn’t need to know your family’s secret. I know we’re in arecession but damn you need cash ? ask your brother. Damn

  31. Lacy said

    I can believe this happened . You can tell their father was a control freak.Blame Michael, he cut off her $$ so girlfriend had no choice but to write a book to make some money….MO post the excerpts of when she talks about how rude Juanita was to her mother , this book reveals shockers after shockers .. Grabs a glass of dark wine and starts reading chapter 4…

  32. PEACE said

    Nobody knows this woman. It is mj’s picture that is plastered all over this disguting story. It would not be news if it wasn’t for mj.

  33. Jay said

    Whoa!! this is deep. No wonder Father Jordan stayed drunk, he was tapping his own child. The guilt this guy must have felt, but it goes to show that all races engage in this disgusting activity.

  34. erica said

    God Bless her for speaking up. EXPOSE ALL DIRTY FAMILY SECRETS!!! Family are people too, why should they be protected for doing wrong? The jails are full of people who are someone’s family. Is it OK for them to be locked up only because they committed crimes against someone who is not in their family? Should we keep their criminal actions secret too? Holding that kind of abuse inside is torture for anyone, she needs to expel it to heal herself. Only she knows when the time is right, not those of us reading about her pain or how she chooses to express it. As for her pathetic mother, she has to live with her own sins. The sin of not protecting her daughter and the sin of staying with a man who wounded her child. As for those of you insulting her, no doubt deep inside on some level you think sexual abuse, rape and incest are acceptable if its in your family. It doesn’t matter if no one knows her and she’s not famous – she is a human being and was violated by the person who should have protected her, for that matter she should have been protected by both parents instead she was violated. She is a victim of abuse and crime. I pray for her healing.

  35. I view some the comments as narrow minded and naive. Had it not been Michael Jordan or someone white would the comments be different? I think that someone like myself who has experience in counseling or clinical therapy better understand a person’s need for closure, even if it is public. This takes me back to when a close friend revealed to me after burying her husband that her father was the father of her oldest son; he impregnated her at the age of 15, after her mother died. She finally got closure from the pain she buried deep inside, when she took her son to her father’s bedside before he died and made him confront his guilt and her shame. Her 34 year old son was torn to the core to learn that his grandfather was also his biological father. Let this be a lesson to all of you, who want to judge Micheal’s sister’s action, let it happen to you or someone very close to you like your child and see how you react to it. Lots of people walk around every day living lives of quite desperation.

  36. skip said


    For all the critics… Lets for a second remove Ms. Jordan from the story. How about you put your mothers, sisters, nieces, aunts, grandmothers, female cousins, the little girl next door running to the ice cream truck, etc. in her position. Now, imagine you found out from your sister that your father had been raping her at night while everyone lies peacefully asleep in their beds. Would you hate her for telling you such a thing?? If she had kept it to herself for many many years which people do.. might I add…. would you tell her she was a liar? If your father died and your sister gained the strength and courage to share her horrific story with the world would you tell her to shut up, and stop trying to make money?? People first of all please do your research regarding writing and publishing books. It’s not something you wake up to one morning and say…Hey I’m going to write a book and make millions off of it. We’re not talking about “A million little fibers” here. I lot goes into writing and having a book published. You have to go through legal procedures, and have sponsors. Someone has to say…YES I will sign a contract with you that says I’ll pay to publish you books. You have to sale a certain amount of books to actually make any money. Believe me…the books that sale in the beginning go to the people sponsoring your book. NOT YOU! A writer doesn’t actually see revenue for a long time…why do you think there are so many Authors struggling?? Writing books doesn’t guarantee you a booming financial career..unless you are extremely well at it, and she’s not a writer.

    She’s a woman telling her story. Her now famous brother could have been a trash man and she still would have endured this horrific nightmare. It doesn’t matter whether he’s famous or not! She’s saying no matter what your lifestyle rich or poor all families have someone who’s been a victim of sexual abuse especially by a male family member.

    I’ve experienced this. I’m a own brother sexually molested me for years. I was afraid of what would happen to me if I told. Children can’t speak up for themselves, because they can be manipulated by older people. They can be scared into not telling. I didn’t tell anyone what happened to me for years I’m 27 now, but my mom found out by reading my diary when I was 18. I haven’t sought counseling yet, because it’s an experience that I absolutely dread talking about. Till this day it haunts me I can see it happening over and over and over again. I will get counseling one day, but in my time. I still haven’t gotten over this in my own way. So, please people don’t judge. It’s easy to point fingers when you’re not in that person’s shoes. Am I going to go and write a book about??…I haven’t planned on it, but when I do read stories of other victims it gives me a bit more courage than I had the day before to come forward and approach my predator (my brother) and tell him what I really think about him, and to expose him to all of my family members and the world so he can’t ever do this again. If I could have him locked up I would. My silence does more damage than people think, because he’s still out there where ever he is…and I’m sure he has other victims. He has children…and if he’d do that to me…he’d do it to them too! You guys better ease up on what you say and not be so ignorant. Just because your loved ones haven’t come forward and told you they were a victim doesn’t mean it never happened to them. So be careful what you say ….because you or someone you know and love could be the Author of a book speaking out about criminals of sexual crimes…the person you love the most could actually be the abuser themselves. Oh….and trust me victims who that have been raped aren’t in it for the money….NO AMOUNT OF MONEY can buy you back what was stolen from!!!

    Don’t let ignorance make you naive.

  37. Nickizzle said

    How do you guys know this is true, rember lotoya jackson the jealous sister. plus she had all those brothers in the house how could they not know what was going on. i’m sorry this just doesn’t sound right to me.

  38. Lesley said

    If you can’t understand how a person can delay the heartache of going public years later, God love ya, you’re blessed. It takes years to process the extent of one’s damage, heal and even longer to develop the courage to find your voice.

    I am absolutely convinced that in order for abuse to be ongoing with a home, BOTH parents are well aware of it. This compounds the pain of one’s suffering. The victim is twice betrayed.

    Unless one of your parents has raped you, shame on you for blaming the victim. This is why abusers walk free to abuse again and again. Authoritites, juries, judges, even the general public, refuse to believe these monsters look like normal people, don’t have horns growing out of their heads. The victim is, thus, thrice betrayed.

    This book is no longer in print; Michael Jordan could have possibly bought all rights to it.

  39. Marie said

    Hmmm….what’s really sad is how many people immediately jump to the conclusion that she is lying. It’s weird, but it seems to me that anyone even remotely connected to celebrity is given a pass. As an early poster noted, remove this woman from the story, and replace her with countless other females who have had to endure the evil of having a father, uncle, grandfather, etc. force himself upon her…it’s sad and it’s vicious.

    Granted, she could be making this up…but I personally doubt that she is.

  40. Janet said

    Is this the same man who was found dead in his car on the side of the road in north carolina and was cremated without his family being contacted some years ago.

    No wonder he was so unlucky in death. I think it is a good thing that the daughter was able to express the abuse she suffered at the hands of her father in her book. Also, the fact that her mother did not stand by her made this situation all the more devastating. The Black family has been sweeping shit under the rug for too many years instead of dealing with situation as they arise. When will we as a people stop living in denial.

    Are you keeping a secret? Someday, when you are brave enough, tell someone.

  41. Philathia said

    I knew James Jordan personally and find that VERY hard to believe!!! Rape?!? Let alone his daughter!?! Please! That girl could not have written that and still have a clear consious. I mean for the love of all things chocolate the man is dead for Christ sake and he can not rebutt this nonesense. This daughter is butt ugly and I can’t imagine ANY MAN having to rape her! Negro please!!!!!

  42. Marvelous Marvin said

    I happened to hear the sister on radio today and she sounded very credible. I wish her well in her recovery. She has every right to speak out regardless if she is the sister of Michael Jordan or anyone else. Someone stated that they found it hard to believe that James Jordan would commit such an act. Whether he did or did not he certainly would not allow others to see that side of himself if he was guilty. Michael may or may not have even known. It’s nothing new, this type of story, and denial of the possibility doesn’t make it go away. Like Charles Barkley says we should be selective when it comes to our role models.

  43. miss birdsong said

    To the idiot who thinks Ms. Jordan was too ugly to be molested by her father: If you are of the caliber of people with whom Mr. Jordan associated I find it believable. Your comments show not only your vast ignorance but your corrupt thinking. If she was pretty it would be believeable? I believe this woman. Perhaps had her mother protected her she could have resolved things differently. If she is telling the truth then her mother’s and father’s memory should ROT! She should shout what happened to her from the rooftops if she wants/needs to. It’s HER life and HER story to tell. Why should she continue to keep the filthy secret her perverted father gave to her? Keeping family secrets leads to more pain and SHAME. She probably has been in therapy already. Her son will probably need it too. I hope she makes a mint!

  44. This is an all too often narrative of black families and black culture. I am very appreciative of Mr. James Jordan and his contribution to the world; He gave us Michael. But that does not negate other damage that happened in his family. I am glad his daughter has had the courage to come forward,- it is necessary for her healing as well. I believe that we should not tarnish Mr. Jordan’s memory,- not should we marginalized his daughters suffering. We should support her healing and recovery and pray that familial wounds can be healed.

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