Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

The new face of Luster

Posted by Media Outrage on June 27, 2008

Keyshia Cole has partnered up with Luster Products, Inc, the nations largest African-American owned hair care company, to become the new face of Luster’s Pink Brand Smooth Touch.

Via Eurweb:

On the market for nearly 10 years, Smooth Touch is getting a new look that includes integrating Cole on product packaging and advertising.

Launching the new advertising campaign, “Get Used To The Attention,” the company was looking for a spokesperson that exhibited the genuineness and authenticity that mirrored the mindset of today’s young, urban consumer as trendsetter, social networker and entertainment seeker. Keyshia Cole is an established brand that young consumers trust and love to emulate, making her a natural fit for the brand’s position of creating superstar looks every day.

“Today, brand ambassadors need to bring more value to the company than just being a talking head,” said Marla Jones, general manager at Matlock.  “We took a strategic approach to carefully research someone who consumers could trust, who possessed similar mindsets and whose lifestyle and ambitions Smooth Touch could organically follow. By partnering with Keyshia Cole, Luster Products wanted to send a clear message to consumers that their dreams and aspirations are often the same as those of the celebrities they love. And, Keyshia has been courageously public about sending the same message to her fans, in her music, on her television show and in interviews.”

According to Luster’s Director of Marketing, Brenda Turner, “we shared with Matlock that we wanted a spokesperson that felt like, looked liked and engaged the emotional touch points of the target. Through our efforts and understanding of the target audience, they brought us a spokesperson that definitely adds a “smooth touch” to our positioning and marketing initiatives.”

Mediaoutrage– Thats hot for Keyshia. Always good to see hip-hop expand and get the endorsement deals that it deserves being that it drives the economy in such a huge way.

11 Responses to “The new face of Luster”

  1. Man, we know she dont use that greasy shit. Why not hire somebody like a 70 or 80’s pimp….I wouldnt be cuaght dead using that shit.

  2. Ms. E said

    Good for her..but I still don’t mess with their products!

  3. Ms. E said

    @ DT..just about all of these celebrities sport weaves and hair pieces anyway! I think me and my sister are the only people in our social circle that don’t wear weave (we got too much hair for that stuff)!

  4. cupcake stl said


  5. Kristina said

    Haha watch out Beyonce and Rihanna, here come Keylolo and her luster ads to only air on BET at 4 in the morning.

  6. Media Outrage said

    LOL “Haha watch out Beyonce and Rihanna, here come Keylolo and her luster ads to only air on BET at 4 in the morning.” lol

  7. Monie said

    “the company was looking for a spokesperson that exhibited the genuineness and authenticity that mirrored the mindset of today’s young, urban consumer as trendsetter, social networker and entertainment seeker.”

    Um, was that a fancy way of calling Black women ghetto? Lol

  8. beach chick said

    Call me crazy but I wear a short haircut similar to Rihanna’s and I use Pink Luster Smooth Touch on my hair in between complete relaxers and I love it. I keep my daughter’s edges touched up as well…I’ve been using their products for a while……

    But yeah Monie… other words they need an excellent reputation for the stereotypical BLACK WOMAN and it happens to be Keyshia Cole. When I think of GHETTO, Keyshia is the first person to come to mind!

  9. I use to use Luster products a long time ago, I wear a lot of weaves sew-ins but I’m looking for something to use on my hair in between my weaves. Anybody have any other of good products beside luster that work good on the edges hit me up at Speaking of Keyshia yeah she is a little Ghetto but I love the fact that she is who she is. She’s not trying to change to be somebody else and fit in in this hollywood scene. Anybody who can be themselves and still have a lot of people love and embrase them is ok in my book.

    Twana Tells

  10. 2020VIZN said

    Yeah, if they were going for the ghetto fabulous entertainer they need to give their research department a raise because the hit the bullseye. They need to get Keyshia Cole’s sister and mother in on the act. I know yall remember when her drunk a$$ sister was arguing with her cousin in front of a grocery store in Hollywood……………..over french or italian dressing. Gotdayuuuum……….S#!t, I was embarrassed. Im just glad it wasn’t a dispute over Popey’s or Churche’s, we might have witnessed a homocide.

  11. Amanda said


    I wear a lot of sew-in weaves as well and I use Luster products in between and while my weaves are in to keep my scalp moisturized. You should try it! And I have to agree with you… I love Keyshia too and it’s not because we are both from the Bay Area. LoL. She’s so down to earth and the girl can blow, not to mention she can dress her butt off. She has her own style and she’s definitely a trendsetter. Did you see the dress she wore to Toyota’s “If Looks Could Kill” event that she performed at a couple of weeks ago? Dress was bad and the event was successful. She tore UP the stage with “Heaven Sent”

    I know because I work with Toyota and know first about the event they were sponsering. You HAVE to check it out. They’re interactive webisodes that follow an aspiring fashion assistant, Bianca Turner (played by Femi Emiola, Wicked Wicked Games), who is a prime example of a woman who’s got it going on. I’m talking the dream job, a man who’s got all the ladies drooling, and the spice to keep it all together when hell hits the fan. Think James Bond meets Sanaa Lathan in “Something New”, Bianca is the girl who isn’t afraid to run in her Louboutin heels!


    You’ll have to see what I’m talking about. Don’t forget to check out the third episode—To Paris With Love—which is available today (6/30). This girl is definitely a ride or die chick, especially when it comes to daddy’s little girl! She’s kind of like today’s Foxy Brown, don’t you think? You’ve probably already been reeled in so don’t stop now.

    Looking forward to the girl talk!

    Amanda Clouden
    ILCK Ambassador

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