Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

My Stylist Needs A Stylist…Like Yesterday!

Posted by Media Outrage on February 9, 2009


M.I.A. hit the Grammy red carpet looking like a fashion misfit. Who out there in M.O. reader land has enough ballz to say their feeling this outfit? We dare you lol…..


14 Responses to “My Stylist Needs A Stylist…Like Yesterday!”

  1. CrystalShine said

    Wtf! Her polka dot outfit was a hot mess, but this here is an outfit I wouldnt where if hell freeze!

    Talk about awful swagger!

  2. This chick was due to give birth that night…FEB 8th!!! She is 9 months and on stage performing…talk about ghetto??!?!

    No wonder this was the weakest grammy’s in the history of recorded music!!! If that was my baby’s Mama I’d disown any knowledge of me even knowing this hooker and use a homeless man’s DNA in court in a paternity suit!

  3. Truly23 said

    Looks like something someone’s grandmother would wear, my grandmother in particular just not that short…

  4. Yea I Said It said

    Not one word, not one damn word!!

  5. Smurfette said

    I would definately rock this get up…..

    To bed

  6. lio said

    MAN…. M.I.A doesn’ty need a stylist..she dresses however she wants and doesn’t give a damn. I like her..she’s fly as hell

  7. Gina said

    That’s my bitch right there. I love her.
    So what if she looks crazy as hell in that dress. Or if her stomach looks like 2 watermelons.
    Shit, she’s the reason a lot of ppl watched that crappy ass grammys.
    I wanted to know if she was gonna start singing and her water broke right there.

  8. Random said

    The Designer of that God Awful garment should be shot *instantly*!!

  9. What type of maternity ugliness? I know that baby embarassed, like “Why my mum have to wear this hideous get up?”

  10. Yasmine T. said

    Lol! @ Random

    She looks a hot burning mess.

  11. deedee said

    I don’t like wat she wearing…she talkinq about no one have a swagga like her && but her shit is wack
    Love the muziiK

  12. MissTX85 said

    Shit I wish my granny would put some shit like that on!! WTF was this heifer thinking?! It must be the pregnancy. Shoot as a matter of fact, my granny has better looking MuMus than that.

  13. ucanb2 said

    WHAT THE HELL!!!!!??????

  14. sweet_tea said

    Her outfit sucks but they always do. She does her own thing & is super bold about it. I about died when I saw her pregnant, groovin at the Grammy’s. She did the damn thing & anybody who’s been pregnant should be proud of her. She was getting DOWN. Now that sheer jumpsuit was a wreck, but you can’t fade her confidence. She keeps the swag way up.

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