Media Outrage

Media Outrage Celebrity Gossip, and everything that is going on in the Media!

Cute Couple

Posted by Media Outrage on June 27, 2008

Rihanna and Chris Breezy were spotted in West Hollywood doing some grocery shopping. Chris was rocking the nice tight sag. Ri’s outfit was on point as usual. Chris does seem a little more geesed about their relationship than she does but oh well that’s natural.

6 Responses to “Cute Couple”

  1. First off we have got to stop the “testicular Homicide ” he is comitting with those tight ass jeans, second, does this chick own one pair of sneakers?….I mean those high heels all the time make her look like a drag queen.

  2. Ms. E said

    DT she is already tall..why does she need to wear them all the time anyway. But for real, these two are so boring…I’d rather watch two senior citizens get busy then Chrissy and Ri-higheals

  3. beach chick said

    LOL at DT and Ms. E

    I like RiRi’s style so much….I don’t know WTF Chris Breezy is doing with his style,,,he has changed so much since he first started….he looks so rough!

    BTW…what’s up with Chris’s hair…..CHRIS BREEZY UR HAIR IS PEEZY!!!!

  4. du66's said

    they both have something in common the can reach out the anorexia community

  5. beach chick said


  6. 1coolazzchic said

    I am actually lovin them as a couple. My daughter is not though. But I dont know what the hell is up with chris. Did he give his stylist the boot? He is like a cross between travis barker and Ne-yo. Get it together boo!!

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